these expressions which are often distorted (and it’s hilarious!)

these expressions which are often distorted (and it’s hilarious!)

It’s funny how some common expressions can be misunderstood or mispronounced, creating misunderstandings that make you smile, as compiled by the Instagram account France TV Splash on Sunday, September 8, 2024. These mistakes often result from the way they are heard, sometimes from generation to generation, and their rarity in everyday use. For example, “Wedding rainy, wedding happy” easily becomes “Wedding older, wedding happy”, a version that is confusing by completely changing the original meaning. The correct version has its origins in an old belief that rain, a symbol of fertility and wealth, would promise a prosperous future to the newlyweds, contrary to the idea that the age of marriage would guarantee it.

Another common confusion is the expression “en bonne et due forme”. Some people change it to “en bon uniforme”, probably because the sound of the words “due forme” is not as familiar, while the term “uniforme” is much more anchored in our daily lives. This mispronunciation probably stems from the lack of knowledge of the word “due”, which means “appropriate” or “in accordance with the rules”.

In any case, this erroneous version shows how our brain sometimes seeks to associate sounds with more familiar words. Another common error concerns the expression “It’s raining cats and dogs”. An Internet user who confided in the media admitted that for (…)

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