New addition of 14 billion DH for the State Budget

New addition of 14 billion DH for the State Budget
New addition of 14 billion DH for the State Budget

The opening of additional credits of 14 billion dirhams (MMDH) for the general budget aims to support Public Establishments and Enterprises (EEP) affected by international price fluctuations, and to cover staff expenses resulting from social dialogue agreements between the government and the social partners, indicated, Monday in Rabat, the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy and Finance, in charge of the Budget, Fouzi Lekjaa.

Fouzi Lekjaa.


June 4, 2024 at 2:09 p.m.

During a meeting of the Committee on Finance and Economic Development in the House of Representatives, dedicated to the examination of the decree in question approved at the last meeting of the Government Council, Fouzi Lekjaa specified that of these additional credits, deemed “urgent and necessary”, 4 billion dirhams will be allocated to theNational Office of Electricity and Drinking Water (ONEE) in 2024 in order to maintain water and electricity prices for all consumers, especially citizens. And to add that the water and electricity bill rates will not experience any increase this year, despite successive increases observed in several countries, including those that depend on the import of raw materials to produce electrical energy.r>r>He also stressed that these credits include 6.5 billion dirhams to implement the commitments of the government taken within the framework of social dialogue, the cost of which will reach 45 billion dirhams by 2026, and will concern 4,250,000 civil servants and employees, noting that “the new approach adopted by the government in social dialogue aims to strengthen the purchasing power of the middle class, affected by international price fluctuations. Mr. Lekjaa also noted that the tax revenues reached 14.3 billion dirhams as of May 31, 2024, recording an increase of 14.58% and 10.48% for customs revenue, affirming that these results “are the fruit of joint work and multiple reforms aimed at broadening the ‘tax base”.r>r>Compared to forecasts, the rate of achievement of the Finance law 2024 stands at 46% during the first five months of the year, he added, noting that the work will continue at the same pace, in particular to broaden the tax base and ensure the participation of all taxpayers pay their taxes. The results obtained and the government’s dynamic action will make it possible to generate financial margins which will be used to cover additional credits, including in particular 3.5 billion dirhams to support the airline. Royal Air Morocco and finance urgent expenses related to agricultural consumer products until the end of this year, he argued.r>r>M. Lekjaa also recalled that the opening of additional appropriations takes place as part of the preparation of the draft finance law 2025developed by the ministry’s services in coordination with the various ministerial departments, in accordance with the provisions of article 60 of the Organic Law relating to the Finance Law (LOF), and on the basis of article 70 of the Constitution.



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