You have to suffer to be beautiful: even more so in certain places

You have to suffer to be beautiful: even more so in certain places
You have to suffer to be beautiful: even more so in certain places

Each person has their own sensitivity to pain. And depending on your build, getting a tattoo can be more or less painful in certain places. There are even areas of the body that are particularly sensitive for everyone.

Humans have relatively little fat in their hands and feet. Due to their thin skin and the presence of a large number of nerve endings and bones, these limbs are all the more sensitive to the pain caused by the friction exerted by the tattoo needle. The palms of the hand and the soles of the feet are particularly innervated areas. Furthermore, the hands and feet are heavily used parts of the body, which can delay healing. Aspects that should be kept in mind before getting a tattoo.

It is not uncommon to hear testimonies from people who have experienced tattooing their elbows or knees as a particularly painful ordeal. This is partly explained by the fact that the tattooist pokes close to the bone. Furthermore, the skin has low elasticity in these areas, which makes the experience all the more unpleasant. And, like the hands and feet, the elbows and knees are also heavily used parts of the body, which does not facilitate the healing process.

Rib tattooing is also known to be one of the most painful. Here again, this is due to the thinness of the skin, the little fat and the presence of bones. In addition, the rib cage expands with each inspiration, which means that we feel the vibrations of the needle even more keenly.

Being ticklish in the armpits or feeling more pain when getting a tattoo in this area is due to the many nerve endings present in this area of ​​the body. Additionally, the armpits are close to the lymph nodes, which can make the operation even more unpleasant. And here again, it is an area that is constantly in use, which hardly facilitates its healing.

Few people have their genitals tattooed. However, a quick Google search shows that it is not impossible. However, you have to be resilient. Because, as much as this highly innervated area can be a Source of pleasure during sexual intercourse, it can also be a Source of pain radiating throughout the body, upon contact with the tattoo artist’s needle. To top it off, the skin is very thin there. Without forgetting that the tattooist is obliged to hold the penis or hold the lips of the vulva apart to carry out his work. Suffice it to say that in this type of situation, trust is essential.



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