Ban the sale of new thermal cars from 2029? Why the impact of the measure is studied

Ban the sale of new thermal cars from 2029? Why the impact of the measure is studied
Ban the sale of new thermal cars from 2029? Why the impact of the measure is studied

Why, then, study the repercussions of a ban from 2029? In fact, Flanders had put forward this hypothesis in its part of the National Energy and Climate Plan (PNEC), submitted to the European Commission. However, this anticipated ban on the thermal engine is subject to numerous conditions. It was therefore considered too hypothetical to be taken into consideration as a measure to combat CO2 emissions.

2030 goals out of reach

However, the policies announced by the different levels of power will not allow Belgium to achieve its 2030 climate objectives. According to the Planning Office, the policies announced will lead to a reduction in our CO2 emissions of 32% (compared to 2005) by 2030, well below the objective of -47% set by Europe.

The Planning Office mentions a ban on thermal cars from 2029

In addition, it is the transport sector that is lagging behind. According to the Planning Bureau, emissions from the transport sector should only fall by 11% by 2030.

As a result, the Planning Bureau decided to study the possible repercussions of various hypothetical measures contained in the PNEC. The idea is to check whether these measures would allow Belgium to achieve its climate objectives.

One of them is the Flemish idea of ​​banning the sale of new thermal cars from 2029. But there are other measures. Thus, the Planning Office will also study the impact of a more rapid exit from gas as a means of heating, in Wallonia.

In addition, the Planning Office will analyze the impact that the introduction of a higher-than-expected carbon tax would have. As a reminder, European legislation already provides that a carbon tax, of maximum 45 euros per tonne of CO2, will be fully operational in 2027. This will increase the price of fossil fuels such as gas, gasoline, diesel, fuel oil… The objective being to promote low-carbon solutions such as heat pumps and electric cars.

The idea of ​​the Planning Office is to analyze the repercussions of a scenario in which this carbon tax would be greater than 45 euros.

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Generally speaking, the aim of this future study is to quantify the impact of policies, still hypothetical, on Belgium’s CO2 emissions. Depending on the results, the different governments of the country will be able to make their choices.

Philippe Henry wants to follow Europe

In any case, it seems unrealistic that a ban on the thermal engine will see the light of day, at national level, from 2029. Philippe Henry (Ecolo), the Walloon Minister of Energy, rejects this measure in any case. “We will not go faster than Europe”, he explained to us, on the sidelines of a press conference. In addition, Flanders itself had set numerous conditions. Gold “they will be difficult to respect”explains a Source close to the matter.

It also remains to be seen whether Flanders could decide on its own to ban the sale of new thermal cars from 2029.

Low emission zones

As a reminder, the Regions are responsible for the introduction of low emission zones. In Brussels, current legislation provides that no more thermal engines will be able to enter from January 1, 2035. In Wallonia, the next government will have to decide whether or not it legislates in favor of the introduction of low emissions zones, the scale of certain cities or zones.Laurent Lambrecht



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