In Aude, this old polluted site has been completely transformed over nearly 2 hectares

In Aude, this old polluted site has been completely transformed over nearly 2 hectares
In Aude, this old polluted site has been completely transformed over nearly 2 hectares


Charles Dos Santos

Published on

June 2, 2024 at 1:12 p.m.

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A few kilometers from Limoux (Aude), a large solar park, spread over nearly 2 hectares, was inaugurated on Thursday May 23, 2024.

2730 panels

It was Pierre Durand, President of the Limouxin community of communes, who officially cut the ribbon. The latter was present at this inauguration, alongside Jean-Yves Grandidier, founding President of the company Valorem, a French specialist in green energies.

At the origin of the project, the French company fully financed this project.

Soberly titled “Limoux Energies”, this new park, installed on the Brides site, north of Limoux, is made up of 2730 panels. These latter will produce in total 2 gigawatts of electricity per year. This should make it possible to supply electricity to nearly 900 homes of the territory.

An innovative storage site

The new park will also be able to store the collected energy on site.

” In total, seven batteries installed on the Limoux site, with a total power of 1.25 megawattscan store up to 2.3 megawatts of electricitythus providing support to the Electricity Transmission Network (RTE) and thus contributing to improving its flexibility,” assured the French company.

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The new energy site was designed on a former illegal dump over the years.

The installation of this new park should also allow this sector of Aude to benefit from a modern facility production ofrenewable energy. This should ultimately lead to economical consequences for the entire territory.

More information on Valorem can be found here and on this solar park near Limoux, here.

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