La Référence Plus: North Kivu, the Congolese have difficulty digesting the successive takeover of the entities »

La Référence Plus: North Kivu, the Congolese have difficulty digesting the successive takeover of the entities »
La Référence Plus: North Kivu, the Congolese have difficulty digesting the successive takeover of the entities »

Kinshasa press review for Tuesday July 2, 2024.

The advance of the M23 rebellion in North Kivu is making headlines in newspapers published in Kinshasa.

On this subject, The Reference Plus headline: “North Kivu, Congolese people are having a hard time digesting the successive capture of entities”. This daily newspaper regrets that the DRC commemorated its 64th anniversary of accession to national and international sovereignty in a state of mourning following the capture of the strategic city of Kanyabayonga on Thursday, June 27, 2024 by the M23. According to this daily newspaper, this major defeat on the front line against this rebellion openly supported by Rwanda is having a hard time digesting for the average Congolese who no longer seem to understand anything about what is really happening in the east of the country where villages continue to fall one after the other into the hands of the enemy who seemed to be within reach of the loyal army. This tabloid believes that the fall of the city of Kanyabayonga ridicules the country to the extent that it comes just after the speech of the Prime Minister, Judith Sumwina Tuluka against Paul Kagame and Rwanda during her stay in Bukavu and Goma.

Lighthouse quotes the Human Rights Research Institute (IRDH) denounces the “Eastern Congo Project” aimed at transforming the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) into the “Eastern Congo Republic”, which would extend over 764,102 km2, the area of ​​the former Orientale Province, North Kivu, South Kivu and Maniema. According to this portal, this macabre initiative is carried out via two sections. First, notes the Phare, support in military training, armament and new military technologies to Rwanda, which has its troops in Kivu. And, secondly, continues this tabloid, the impunity of the killings of the civilian population by militias of the “Cooperative for the Development of Congo (CODECO)” and those of “Zaire”, who traffic gold and other strategic minerals from Ituri to Uganda and Rwanda.

Infos 27 does not change chapter and reveals that the defense and preservation of the territorial integrity of the DRC constitute a major national concern. Under the authority of the Head of State, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) and the Congolese National Police (PNC), indicates this daily, all Congolese are mobilizing and are ready to contribute to the reconquest of the territories occupied by Rwanda through its M23-AFC auxiliaries. According to this portal, it is in this context that the meeting took place in Kinshasa, on Monday, July 1, where the elected national deputies of North Kivu shared their thoughts with Jacquemain Shabani, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the Interior, Security, Decentralization and Customary Affairs. According to these parliamentarians, recalls this tabloid, the discussions discussed aimed to allow the Congolese army to regain control of the areas occupied by the M23. Infos emphasizes that this delegation, committed to the restoration of peace in North Kivu, was also received by the President of the National Assembly, Vital Kamerhe, as well as by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo.[1]national fence, Guy Mwadiamvi.

The potential reports that the FARDC are stopping the RDF on the Kaseghe axis. This daily reports that the Rwandan army will not be able to continue to march from village to village until it is exterminated on Congolese soil. This is the credo of the army of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) which swears only by the return of peace in the eastern part of the DRC where several villages and cities have fallen into the hands of the M23 terrorists, auxiliaries of the Rwandan armed forces (RDF) under the orders of Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda. This portal notes that the Congolese army, comforted by the supreme commander of the FARDC and President of the Re[1]public, Félix Tshisekedi says he is determined to redouble his efforts to not only prevent the advance of the Rwandan military supported by the M23 but also and above all to drive out of the national territory these aggressors who swear only by the extermination of the Congolese populations in the eastern part of the DRC.

Congo New is surprised that the March session is confined to the Provincial Assembly of Kinshasa without investing the Bumba government. This weekly recalls that through a telegram last Friday, the VPM of the Interior cancelled the investiture of the provincial governments of Kinshasa and Haut-Katanga, and summoned the two governors this Monday, to Kinshasa for consultation.

For this part, Infos 27 reports that confidential information from the corridors of the office of the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the Interior, Security and Decentralization mentions the categorical directives of the VPM Jacquemain Shabani addressed to the provincial governors of Kinshasa, Daniel Bumba, and Haut-Katanga, Jacques Kyabula. These directives, adds this tabloid, enjoin them to rigorously respect the Constitution of the country with regard to the composition[1]situation of their respective governments.



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