In the United States, a new threat of “shutdown” just before the presidential election

In the United States, a new threat of “shutdown” just before the presidential election

As the 2025 budget must be adopted by Congress by the end of September, the threat of budgetary paralysis is resurfacing in the United States, in the midst of the presidential campaign. A revolt within the Republican camp caused the postponement of a vote on Wednesday.

The threat of a federal government shutdown is resurfacing in the United States two months before the election, with a vote scheduled for Wednesday, September 11 in Congress having been postponed due to a lack of sufficient majority among Republicans who are at loggerheads over the issue.

“We’re going to be working on this throughout the weekend,” Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson said Wednesday in announcing the delay. He faces opposition from his own party, worried about seeing the budget limit pushed back again and who want greater fiscal rigor.

Mike Johnson thus failed to win the support of a sufficient majority within his ranks to pass, without the help of the Democratic opposition, this six-month extension of the government’s budget.

The 2025 budget must be passed by Congress by the end of September – the end of the fiscal year – to keep all services funded. Otherwise, it would be a “shutdown”: millions of civil servants on technical unemployment, some food aid suspended, air traffic disrupted, among other things.

At least 10 Republicans had spoken out against the proposal presented on Wednesday. However, this majority only has the margin to do without the vote of four elected officials to pass a text without the votes of the opposition.

With AFP


Read also:
US senators reach budget deal minutes before shutdown
Another shutdown avoided in the US Congress, and another short-lived respite
In the United States, Congress narrowly avoids budgetary paralysis


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