LFP orders PSG to pay 55 million euros to Kylian Mbappé, club awaits court decision


Kylian Mbappé before the start of the Ligue 1 match between PSG and Toulouse, at the TFC stadium in Toulouse, on August 19, 2023. CHARLY TRIBALLEAU / AFP

Kylian Mbappé has just won a decisive round in his dispute with Paris Saint-Germain (PSG). In a decision consulted by The Worldthe legal commission of the Professional Football League (LFP) ordered, on Thursday September 12, the club of “pay the salary elements due within eight days” to the player “namely the salaries and ethics bonuses due for the months of April, May and June 2024, as well as the due date of the signing bonus due on February 29, 2024”.

Namely a sum of nearly 55 million euros gross claimed from his former employer by the new Real Madrid recruit. An amount that includes the last third of a signing bonus (36 million euros gross) that the striker was supposed to receive in February, the last three months of salary provided for in his contract, as well as a “ethical bonus” covering the same period.

On Wednesday, representatives of PSG and Mbappé’s camp were brought together by the LFP’s legal committee. The player’s lawyer, Delphine Verheyden, categorically rejected the club’s suggestion of mediation. When the League’s decision was announced, the latter announced that it would not pay and would turn to the industrial tribunal.

“As such, and given the limits of the legal scope of the commission to make a full decision on this matter, the case must now be contested before another jurisdiction, to which PSG looks forward to presenting all the facts over the coming months and year.”he said said in a press release, after having denounced “disloyalty” from Kylian Mbappé towards him before the commission.

PSG reminded of its employer obligations

“In law and in fact, the player has made clear and repeated public and private commitments that must be respected, having benefited from unprecedented advantages from the club during seven years in Paris.the text continues. The club looks forward to these commitments being confirmed in the appropriate forum, should the player seek to pursue this incomprehensibly reputationally damaging matter, in due course.”

The Mbappé camp did not wish to react immediately. “My client simply wants at this stage that his work is paid, as should be the case for any other player in his situation, and for any employee who has finished his fixed-term contract, the attacker’s lawyer had indicated to Monde Wednesday. Labor law must apply.”

The decision of the LFP legal committee constitutes a resounding disavowal for the management of PSG, reminded of its obligations as an employer. The latter had justified the non-payment of these sums by a proposal made by the player to the president of the club, Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, in August 2023, to give up part of his income in the event of leaving without transfer compensation at the end of his contract, in June 2024. At the time, the French international had reached out to his employer, while he had been sent to train in the “loft” – with the other footballers deemed undesirable by PSG outside the professional group.

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