Technical inspection claims victims among cars without a license

Technical inspection claims victims among cars without a license

Four months after the mandatory technical inspection came into force, it has been confirmed that fewer motorcycles are required to have a second inspection than unlicensed cars. It’s a question of attitude and purchasing power.

Of the 3,757 centres equipped to ensure the inspection of L category vehicles (from mopeds to heavy quadricycles), no fewer than 900 belong to the Dekra Automotive network, compared to 611 for Autosur and 453 for Auto Sécurité. This lends some authority to the assessment drawn up by Dekra, four months after the introduction of mandatory inspection for these vehicles, which until now were exempt from any periodic inspection.

It appears that the rate of re-inspection is significantly higher for cars without a license (category L6e) than for motorcycles (L3e). The refusal rate (which corresponds to the cumulative rate of major and critical failures) amounts to 31.3% for the former, compared to only 9.4% for motorcycles, 14.8% for quads and 20.7% for mopeds of less than 50 cm3.

Read alsoTechnical inspection of cars without a license: there will be some damage

Unsurprisingly, wear parts are the ones that most often provide reasons for a second inspection. In order of frequency, Dekra Automotive cites worn tires, damaged shock absorbers, defective wheel bearings, exhaust leaks and poorly secured bumpers as the top five major failures. Whereas for motorcycles, non-conformity of the license plate, non-standard pollutant emissions and damaged brake lights are more frequent. “On a golf cart, there are four tires, which means twice the risk of failure than on a motorcycle.”notes a controller.

Three profiles of drivers of cars without a license

The announcement of a higher failure rate among cars without a license (VSP) will not surprise contemptuous motorists who believe – wrongly – that these machines are necessarily in the hands of people who are penniless. In truth, the sale price of a small car is inversely proportional to its Lilliputian size: it varies between 9,000 and 20,000 euros, depending on the model and the manufacturer. […]

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