More than 120 jobs cut in a Bell subsidiary: “They are playing with the livelihood of thousands of workers”

More than 120 jobs cut in a Bell subsidiary: “They are playing with the livelihood of thousands of workers”
More than 120 jobs cut in a Bell subsidiary: “They are playing with the livelihood of thousands of workers”

Unifor denounces the elimination of more than 120 jobs, in Ontario and Quebec, within the Bell Expertech subsidiary, mainly affecting office and technical staff, according to the union organization.

“It is obvious to almost everyone that Bell executives, including Mirko Bibic, have no plan for the future of this company other than to pay as high dividends as possible to their shareholders at the expense of everyone. remains,” Unifor National President Lana Payne said in a statement.

“There is no reason why a company as long established and as profitable as Bell should be incapable of providing good, reliable jobs,” denounced Unifor National Secretary-Treasurer Len Poirier.

According to the union, this will mean eliminating the position of nearly 18% of the unit’s 660 members. We will first proceed with a voluntary departure program and early retirement offers.

Neither Bell nor Expertech responded to questions from Journal as of this writing Thursday morning.

Bosses’ remuneration

Last March, The Journal reported that while Bell announced the layoff of 6,100 workers in recent months, the compensation of the five highest-paid executives jumped 4.4% last year.

Alone, number 1, Mirko Bibic, had $12.36 million, or 3% more than in 2022. With the value of his pension plan and other benefits, his compensation totaled $13.43 million in 2023, compared to $13.59 million the previous year.

Archive photo, Marc DesRosiers

-More details to come



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