What we know about Dairy Queen, the American fast-food chain that wants to set up in soon

What we know about Dairy Queen, the American fast-food chain that wants to set up in soon
What we know about Dairy Queen, the American fast-food chain that wants to set up in France soon

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RESTAURANT – What if Dairy Queen ice creams replaced McDonald’s McFlurry? This is in any case the next objective of the American fast-food chain Dairy Queen. After the United States, the Middle East and Asia, the chain would like to set up in Europe, and more particularly in .

Established in 1940, Dairy Queen sells classic American fast food products like burgers, hot dogs and nuggets. But that’s not what the brand is known for… Its specialty is frozen desserts, and in particular the “Blizzard”a kind of Italian ice cream with a cookie, mint chocolate or caramel flavor. And what makes this dessert even more famous is that it doesn’t spill, even when you put the pot upside down, as you can see in our video at the top of the article.

France, an interesting market

With its 7,500 restaurants around the world, the brand is well established… But not in France, a country where only one in 10 people say they never eat fast food according to a report from the French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (Anses) published in 2021.

Attracted by this flourishing market, Dairy Queen would like to set up at least 100 to 200 restaurants on French soil according to BFM Business. This will require waiting until 2026, the time to sign an agreement with a local partner to develop a franchise model.

But this project is not sure to succeed. Previously, the brand has already tried to establish itself in Europe without success… It must be said that between McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC or Five Guys, the competition in terms of American food is tough in the hearts of French consumers.

Also see on The HuffPost :

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