“Interim for a killer”, the first detective novel by author Renaudier

“Interim for a killer”, the first detective novel by author Renaudier
“Interim for a killer”, the first detective novel by author Renaudier

Thierry Pigeon has just released his first detective novelActing for a killer.

“For a long time I had wanted to write a book, or at least to try. Although my professional career was oriented towards a technical profession, I always had a taste for writing. But life did not allow me to make my dream come true!”expresses Thierry Pigeon, who took the nickname Renaudier, in memory of his mother. Dismissed in 2020, in the middle of the Covid period. Thierry found himself in his house, confined, and from there the ideas bubbled up enough to take inspiration from the current situation and tell a story on that basis.

The book written in three months

“I now had an idea and the time to devote myself to it. Every morning I headed to the computer without knowing where my story was going to start. I just had a beginning and I brought my characters to life day by day in letting myself be carried away by the imagination and in the desire to write a story that I would like to read as a reader, which makes me want to turn the page at the end of a chapter. I tried to write it in. visualizing the scenes, a bit like the script of a film I wrote the book in three months… So it’s a detective novel, my favorite genre of literature after historical novels.specifies the author.

The story is set in the near future, certain technologies such as the use of nanoparticles are not yet realistic, perhaps soon, and at the same time the author admits to having wanted to make a nod to a reference of the anticipation film Blade Runner. “I received good feedback from those around me, so I decided to put the book online on the Mon BestSeller site which allows new writers to share their work and gather opinions and advice. More than a thousand people responded favorably, I sent the manuscript to several publishers, but I did not have the joy of being selected!”

A second book in progress

Another event will follow in Thierry’s life: his move to Roquemaure and by purchasing Mas Cothy, a new adventure with the rental of gîtes will occupy him for three years. “This year, I took over the manuscript, reworked it a little by fleshing out the characters and correcting certain passages, then tried again to contact publishers, unfortunately without success. So, having a printer friend in , I I finally decided to print it at my own expense and share it with those around me and why not the guests at Mas Cothy! From now on, I will try to find inspiration to write a second one…”

Contact: Mas Cothy, 1 126 chemin du Plan, Roquemaure. Such. 06 63 28 26 80.


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