Saturday December 21, at the press house, Gaston and Jacqueline Bazégales signed their latest work “Discovering the place names of Quercy and the communes of the Lot – Lot toponymy” released on December 15 by Edicausse editions. During these dedications, Jacqueline Bazégales explains: “The study of place names led us to work throughout the North of Quercy. The dedications, as well as the book fairs, are meeting points throughout the space departmental. They allow us to find people, who have sometimes become loyal readers, whom we met during our field surveys. We are always very happy to see them again and to meet new readers. various. They concern their place of origin, the emblematic places of the Lot, the activities, the movement of men on the old paths, the evolution of cultures and landscapes. The publisher, the bookseller who receives us, the press correspondent who. has circulated the information constitute a valuable aid for the dissemination of these place names which help to read the landscape and its history. The publisher Gilles Chevriau present adds: “The arrival of the Internet galaxy should have put the world of Books in the antiquities section. Nay! The statistics published by the National Publishing Union testify to the good health of this sector. If we compare 2022 to 2019, the pre-pandemic “reference” year, the book market remains growing by 3.7% in value and 3.1% in volume…”, which is rather encouraging, meaning that pen and ink “stand up to the keyboard alone.” In terms of so-called “regionalist” works, their main objective is to save testimonies and reveal new knowledge on often “special” subjects but also to allow certain readers to find their “roots”, a word that applies perfectly suited to the work presented this Saturday at the Gramat press house. The time of the dedication is also a time of sharing and exchanges. It extends for the pleasure of the protagonists the possibility of asking personalized questions to the authors, and even sometimes of offering suggestions. It is also for local and departmental elected officials, also invited to the signings, to initiate some reflections by taking advantage of the presence of publishers to learn about the trends and projects on the next publications that could be found during 2025 on the shelves of bookstores and press houses which offer, like that of Gramat, a large choice of Lotois production.