Apart from the statutory exercise of associative democracy that is the general assembly, Éditions du Val d’Adour (Evad) deploys a varied activity around books. In accordance with the object displayed during its constitution and declaration in April 2001, “to participate in the promotion of books in the region by publishing and supporting those who wish to do writing work on regional heritage”, the team managed by President Robert-Alain Mouchet, publishes, distributes and presents the works in its catalog during various events, demonstrations and events.
Literary salons (Bagnères, Hagetmau, Vic, etc.) or even “Feathers and Brushes” in Saint-Sever-de-Rustan, as well as participation in exhibitions and conferences (in Tarbes in partnership with the National Veterans Office and victims of war – ONAC-VG, or in Argelès-Gazost on the Free French of the Hautes-Pyrénées) are an integral part of this dynamic.
At the start of the year, the preparatory meeting for the General Assembly made it possible to set some milestones for future projects, with publication dates already announced: “L’année aux fourneaux” by Marcel Darnaud (March-April 2025 ), “The castles of Béarn,” Volume 1 by Dominique Bidot-Germa and David Bourdeau (May-June 2025), and “Freewheeling through the Gers” by Patrice Hyver (September-October 2025).