Françoise Sagan, “Schnock” does her act – Libération

Françoise Sagan, “Schnock” does her act – Libération
Françoise Sagan, “Schnock” does her act – Libération

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The Libé Books notebookdossier

Pearls, witticisms, books, cars, legends… All aspects of the novelist are covered in the magazine, for the 70th anniversary of “Bonjour tristesse”.

Françoise Sagan lined up aphorisms and witticisms without meaning to. Celebrating in her imaginative way the 70th anniversary of Hello Sadness, Schnock chose for the front page of its n°51 a sentence from Red herringsa Sagan from 1991: “You never know what the past has in store for you.” The magazine reproduces on three double pages a series of gems. For example, this joke, uttered in an interview: “When I see a film about Joan of Arc, every time I say to myself, and it’s stupid: ‘She’s going to get away with it.'” In terms of aversions, the novelist died in 2004 “hates greed, envy, intolerance.” Would she be able to kill someone? “I hope not, but I fear so.” It’s a pleasure to find her in all her aspects, the moral elegance, the books, the legend, the cars but also the songs (she wrote many, zero hits), the films, what we said of her. Bardot: Sagan “is looped from the inside of his head.”

Who was the good fairy?

Denis Westhoff (son of Sagan born in 1962), in a long interview conducted by Sophie Delassein, recounts how it took him fourteen years to complete the financial project once the inheritance was accepted: among the slates left, a tax debt of a million eu

