Looking for happiness in books is recommended!

In recent years, well-being has become increasingly popular, particularly in bookstores where the shelves are full of books ranging from healthy cooking to personal development. In Langres, Inès Jannot gives us the top 5 sales but also her own top 5 to cultivate a positive spirit.

The theme of well-being is developing more and more, and in all forms: physical activities, alternative medicine, personal development… This quest for ways to take care of oneself, to find balance in an increasingly stressful, has further accelerated after the Covid-19 pandemic. And the publishing world is no exception, far from it. Before the pandemic, books on wellness, including topics like personal development, meditation, nutrition, and fitness, were already very popular. The wellness market was also experiencing steady growth, with an increase in demand for content focused on mental health, yoga, and mindfulness.

The “well-being” books section: upward trend further galvanized by Covid-19 (©JHM).

But the pandemic turned out to be an accelerator. Overall, there has been a notable increase in publications on the topic during and after the Covid-19 pandemic, in response to increased demand for managing stress and maintaining good mental health. But you still need to know how to navigate this whole range of proposals. We went to meet Inès Jannot, bookseller in Langres, to get some good reading advice for this summer. And to begin with, our Langres bookseller has drawn up the top 5 of his best sellers on the subject (read in box) and we note the diversity of the themes covered which range from sexuality to hypersensitivity and the management of emotions.

“Never be ashamed of what you read”

But she also has her own top 5 (read in box) which completes the proposals, addressing toxic relationships, post-traumatic syndrome and even parenthood. And there’s something for everyone, from comics to exercise books; with humor or a more philosophical approach; the testimony book; for adults or children, everything is possible.

Inès would like to give two pieces of advice that seem essential to her. The first: “never be ashamed of your reading. If you need to read comedies, romances, bloody thrillers, mangas (…) to relax, read them and escape with these readings. We do not have the same needs and therefore not the same readings. Just pay attention to the effect these stories have and to distinguish between the imaginary and the real (especially for the youngest). » And the second: “a work on popular science, well-being or psychology will never replace a professional. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it or meet people whose job it is to support, help and accompany. »

This is the way to spend an informative and enriching summer for yourself and those around you.

The top 5 sales at L’Antre de Livres

1 – “Body, love, sexuality: the 120 questions your children will ask you”, new edition, by Charline Vermont.

How to talk about the body and sexuality without saying too much or not enough. This book is there to guide parents as well as children with humor and seriousness so that there are no taboos.

2 – “Emotions: investigation and instructions”, Volume 1, by Art-Mella.

Well ! A comic strip, a great idea to teach us about emotions. The author gives us here a tool to help us understand these emotions that are so difficult to name.

3 – “Hypersensitive people better understand themselves to better accept themselves”, by Elaine Aron.

Each chapter is supplemented by exercises. The reader chooses those that can be useful to him, those that he feels ready to do. The author calls for more tolerance, more understanding.

4 – “The five wounds that prevent you from being yourself”, by Lise Bourbeau.

5 – “The power of the present moment”, by Eckhart Tolle.

Inès’ Top 5

1 – “So much the worse for love. Or how I survived a manipulator” – by Sophie Lambda.

A book to recommend to everyone, to better understand the mechanisms of a toxic relationship and the processes of reconstruction.

BIG favorite!

2 – “Perfect parents do not exist”, by Serge Mori.

The author invites us into the privacy of his child psychologist’s office to talk to us about this impossible mission: education. “I modestly wish to help all these mothers, fathers and children to move away from this unattainable ideal of being perfect parents and becoming the model child for their parents. All this generates guilt! » Serge Mori presents us with very stimulating work which can only interest all those who practice helping relationships, but also parents.

3 – “Birth in comics – T1 discover your superpowers!”, by Lucile Gomez.

A very informative and reassuring comic even if a little moderation would have been welcome.

4 – “Have the courage not to be loved”, by Kishimi/Fumitake.

This book is a psycho-philosophical discussion between two men, defined as being a young man and a philosopher. The philosopher explains to his student how each of us is capable of determining our own life, without the hindrance of past experiences, doubts and the expectations of others.

5 – “The body forgets nothing”, by BA Van Der Kolk.

A fascinating book on Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD). The psychiatrist gives numerous examples of life courses, care provided, explanations of the trauma process and the functioning of the brain.

Patricia Charmelot

  • The “well-being” books section: upward trend further galvanized by Covid-19 (©JHM).


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