Mathieu (Love is in the meadow) impressed by the cleanliness of his son Ezio at only one month old

Mathieu (Love is in the meadow) impressed by the cleanliness of his son Ezio at only one month old
Mathieu (Love is in the meadow) impressed by the cleanliness of his son Ezio at only one month old

Dad for a month, Mathieu Ceschin (Love is in the meadow) expressed his pride, this Friday, June 28, about his son’s cleanliness on his Instagram account.

A full-time job! Since May 28, Mathieu Ceschin has been discovering the joys and struggles of fatherhood. After a long journey of GPA, the candidate of season 15 of Love is in the meadow finally realized his dream of becoming a father. The birth of Ezio, born to a surrogate mother in Colombia, completely changed his daily life. A new life that he shares in detail on his Instagram account where he is followed by more than 200,000 people. This Friday, June 28, just one month after his birth, the dad announced good news about his baby on the social network.

Mathieu Ceschin (Love is in the meadow) proud of his son Ezio’s cleanliness

Mathieu Ceschin never fails to keep his subscribers up to date with his daily life as a dad. Today, it is the cleanliness of his one-month-old son that he has decided to expose. “I am very very proud. For a month, no redness on the little one’s bottom. That means that I change him quite often, that I wash and clean him really well and that I put the right cream on him all the time as it should be. Not a single redness!”he reported. “And not a single reflux either. That is to say, I make him sleep at 15 degrees and each time he has his bottle, for 15-20 minutes, I don’t put him upright but not far, like that, he doesn’t have reflux”he added to his list of prides before summarizing: “So no reflux, no redness on my butt, I’m very proud.”

Mathieu Ceschin (Love is in the meadow) reveals his technique for getting his baby to sleep through the night

In addition to talking about his pride as a dad, Mathieu Ceschin revealed his ingenious technique for getting little Ezio to sleep through the night. “How did I manage to get him to wake up only once in two days? I’ll explain my little technique that I’ll probably adapt over time.”he began before moving on to the revelations: I give him his penultimate bottle of the evening, around 10 p.m., lighter, really lighter. like that, the midnight bottle, he is hungry. And the midnight bottle, I put more milk powder so it is more consistent. So, he wakes up at 3 o’clock not very hungry so he doesn’t have time to wake up much, I give him half a bottle, he goes back to sleep very quickly and until 6 o’clock.” A tip to try!



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