Avoid everyday scams with Julien Courbet’s new book

Avoid everyday scams with Julien Courbet’s new book
Avoid everyday scams with Julien Courbet’s new book

Dince 2021, Julien Courbet has hosted “The Golden Rule” in his show “It can happen to you”, where lawyers explain the laws for defend yourself against scams and share practical advice. Based on this experience, Julien Courbet has compiled this valuable advice in a practical guide entitled “It can’t happen to you again! 100 golden rules to stop being scammed”. The book is available and you can at your favorite merchants.

Concrete solutions and simple rules to follow

This 319-page book, published by M6 Editions, offers concrete solutions and simple rules to follow to avoid the pitfalls of everyday life. It covers a wide range of situations, ranging from poor workmanship in accommodation, sales of cars with hidden defects, to cancellations of unreimbursed flights. By bringing together the expertise of the best jurists on his show, such as Maryline Olivié, Blanche de Granvilliers, Anne-Claire Moser, Sylvie Noachovitch, and Anne Cadoret, Courbet offers a valuable tool for any citizen concerned about their rights.

What are the main themes covered?

The main themes covered are:

  • real estate
  • Internet and online sales
  • problems related to the work
  • travel
  • the domestic animals
  • divorce

Each rule is explained in a concise and accessible manner, allowing everyone to understand and apply these principles without the need for in-depth legal knowledge. Topics covered include health, travel and leisure, real estate, online shopping, and even pets. The advice provided not only allows you to react effectively to a scam, but also to prevent these situations before they occur.

Practical and direct approach

One of the strengths of the book is its practical and direct approach. Courbet does not just give theoretical advice; it suggests concrete actions to take, precautions to take and documents to check for each specific situation. This pragmatic approach makes it an essential guide for navigating the twists and turns of current transactions.

This book is much more than just a collection of legal advice. It’s an everyday companion, designed to help readers take control of their lives, avoid pitfalls, and defend themselves effectively in times of need. With this book, Julien Courbet offers everyone the keys to protecting themselves and acting with full knowledge of the facts.

Content designed and offered by Le Point Services. The editorial staff did not participate in its production.



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