Tax evasion, sexting and Nazi t-shirts: an explosive book reveals the hidden side of the Beckhams

Tax evasion, sexting and Nazi t-shirts: an explosive book reveals the hidden side of the Beckhams
Tax evasion, sexting and Nazi t-shirts: an explosive book reveals the hidden side of the Beckhams

More seriously, the author of the work also mentions several (legal) tax evasion schemes. “Obsessed with money”, the former Manchester striker would have avoided paying taxes for a long time by taking advantage of a non-resident status. A desire to escape the tax authorities which would have complicated his efforts to be knighted by Elizabeth II. Unfortunately for him, Bob Kerslake, the chairman of the honors committee, was also not thrilled with the Beckhams’ lifestyle. What seems to have really killed David’s ambitions, however, was his constant refusal to donate even a million pounds of his own money to Unicef, much to the frustration of those around him.

Eichmann t-shirt

On a lighter note, the Beckhams would also be totally obsessed with their image and appearance. David would say over and over, “I’m a gay icon, a gay icon.” » For her part, Victoria Beckham convinced the denim mogul Michael Silver to make jeans so small that no one could fit in them (they ended up unsold in Silver’s warehouse).

But David Beckham also made a big sartorial blunder. The former footballer once wore a T-shirt adorned with the face of Adolf Eichmann, Nazi war criminal and architect of the Final Solution. “Beckham apologized, saying he received a jersey in the mail from an American fan. »

In a completely different genre, the author of the book recounts how Beckham “always seemed to be evaluating every woman” when he was in his agent’s London office. “Some longed for his attention. Others would later say that he was rather frightening. » Messages saved by Sarah Marbeck, one of the women Bower claims Beckham had an affair with, confirm the latter interpretation. He would have written to her that he dreamed of taking her as call girlas did Richard Gere In Pretty Woman.

Faced with all these revelations, feeling the turmoil looming, David Beckham sent a knowing message to his partner on Instagram on Sunday June 16, on the occasion of Father’s Day. He published a photo of their four children, as well as a photo of his father with this message to the woman of his life: “My greatest achievement in life is my children, thank you @victoriabeckham for me for giving these incredible people to love. Always remember how much Dad loves you all. Happy Father’s Day, Dad! Have an amazing day! I love you ! »

Instagram happy

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