Science fiction: The Ministry of the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson, an essential book! – ActuSF

Science fiction: The Ministry of the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson, an essential book! – ActuSF
Science fiction: The Ministry of the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson, an essential book! – ActuSF

Face and overcome there crisis climatic

Following a heatwave in India which causes the deaths of millions of people, the United Nations creates a new agency nicknamed “the ministry of the future”. Its goal is to save future generations and to enforce the agreements resulting from the various Cops. Mary Murphy, a diplomat of Irish origin, is appointed and constitutes her team: the negotiations to reduce carbon emissions promise to be very difficult in advance. Mary is taken hostage one evening by a survivor of the Indian heatwave who accuses her of not doing enough. She will redouble her efforts after that to prevent the catastrophe, even if it means covering certain operations… Will that be enough?

A modern utopia

Grand prize for the imagination of foreign novels in 2024, The ministry of the future is as much a novel as an essay, both Kim Stanley Robinson (author of the trilogy of March, where he described the stages of the terraforming of the red planet) documented all the solutions to be implemented to contain global warming (geoengineering included), change the economy… The result is sometimes indigestible but often fascinating, including the chapters where Robinson describes the monetary innovations to be implemented, including the creation of a new currency. A thought-provoking read, urgent when you see the most recent news.

Sylvain Bonnet



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