Blind, young Morbihan resident Jeanne Llano-Alonso finishes second in a national reading competition

Blind, young Morbihan resident Jeanne Llano-Alonso finishes second in a national reading competition
Blind, young Morbihan resident Jeanne Llano-Alonso finishes second in a national reading competition

Second ! The young Jeanne Llano-Alonso, originally from Hennebont (Morbihan), narrowly missed winning the national final of the Little Reading Champions, organized on Wednesday June 26, 2024 at the Comédie-Française, in Paris. Aged 10, the student from Notre-Dame-du-Vœu school represented Brittany in this reading aloud competition, in front of an audience.

Braille reading

Blind since she was two years old, the Morbihannaise had already achieved an unprecedented performance by winning the departmental and regional events against able-bodied competitors. The blind are often very avid readers,had confided his mother to West Francea few weeks ago. Since a young age, Jeanne has had a great appetite for books. »

In Paris, standing in front of a table on which her Braille book rests, little Jeanne elegantly read the book. Zorageby the Breton novelist Manon Fargetton, before being warmly applauded.

Access to reading for blind people remains complicated,his mother said a few weeks ago. Children’s novels in Braille are still rare, expensive and very bulky. Fortunately, the offer has developed digitally. Jeanne can thus read books on a tablet which transcribes Braille. But she prefers paper! »

The young Hennebontaise is not close to a performance. On a sporting level, Jeanne also competes with able-bodied judokas. In April, in her junior category, she managed to qualify for the regional championships.



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