“Top Chef 15”: Stéphanie Le Quellec has just offered a golden job to the big winner, Jorick Dorignac

“Top Chef 15”: Stéphanie Le Quellec has just offered a golden job to the big winner, Jorick Dorignac
“Top Chef 15”: Stéphanie Le Quellec has just offered a golden job to the big winner, Jorick Dorignac

Good news for fans of the show Top Chef, on M6. Barely the 15th season of the program ended, on June 19, 2024, the winner has just announced big news!

Jorick Dorignac, aged 29, will become the right-hand man of Michelin-starred chef Stéphanie Le Quellec.

A golden position just after Top Chef

She was the one who coached her throughout the competition. Previously, he was executive chef at the restaurant NE/SOfrom another starred Top Chef, Guillaume Sanchez.

He will now join the Maisons Le Quellec group in October 2024 as executive chef. He will work across departments at La Scene, Mam and Vive, the three brands of his new boss. On site, he will be ” support for chefs already in activity” , she says.

In her Instagram post, Stéphanie Le Quellec also explained that he will be there for “support him on R&D missions and will act as my double in development« .

Jorick Dorignac aux anges

Very ” happy ” to continue their “unique culinary agreement”, the Top Chef juror let it be known that she had created this post especially for her foal. And he rejoices: “ I have never stopped repeating that Chef Le Quellec was the most sincere meeting of this last year. We quickly spoke of the obvious because the alchemy happened naturally and quickly.« .

And to add: “His support was essential to my adventure and this collaboration within Maisons Le Quellec seems logical to me. I am full of enthusiasm at the idea of ​​bringing my experience and my world to this new big family”.



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