A taste for libraries – Laurence Bavia

A taste for libraries – Laurence Bavia
A taste for libraries – Laurence Bavia

Summary : “A taste for libraries” offers a series of short extracts from books dealing with libraries. Fiction, file, articles, newspapers, the sources are multiple and give numerous approaches to the subject.

Critical : Different approaches to the notion of the library are presented through a mass of extracts, embodying the place as a building, a source of knowledge, a landmark for the writer, a place which allows multiple classification possibilities.

Each extract is preceded by a short introduction which contextualizes the document in the work from which it comes and, sometimes, it is followed by a small conclusion which gives us information about the author.

Based on three parts – “Places and Men”, “Libraries Instructions”, “Ideal Libraries and Writers’ Libraries” – the work explores three directions which allow us to see how, through literature, these themes are discussed.

Laurence Bavia has brought together extracts from novels, such as Twenty thousand leagues under the sea, The road to Flanders Or Fahrenheit 451files like Presentation of the BNF architectural project by Dominique Perrault, documentary books like Richelieu, four centuries of architectural history in the heart of Paris by Aurélien Conraux, Anne-Sophie Henquin, Valérie Mengin or newspaper articles like “Return to the scene of the crime” by Pierre Nora.

This mixture allows you to move from one universe to another, just as you can move, in a library, from one opus to another.

This little anthology therefore offers us, when reading, the feeling of being in one of these places of knowledge where works of all types mingle, which we would grab from a shelf to browse part of it.

A taste for libraries brings together extracts from numerous books and offers us the vision of several writers, architects, journalists on the notion of library.

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