A look back at a flourishing partnership between Local Missions and the Books and Voices system.

A look back at a flourishing partnership between Local Missions and the Books and Voices system.
A look back at a flourishing partnership between Local Missions and the Books and Voices system.

17 great encounters during the 2023-2024 season.

Books and voices is the new literature awareness system supported by Ciclic, which is aimed at 13-25 year olds.
Through meetings and workshops with authors, or reading aloud sessions and workshops with actors, young people from the region can discover works and book professions, share their references with literary professionals. and, with them, experiment with artistic gestures.

From the launch of the project, theARML (Regional Agency for Local Missions) took advantage of this opportunity to offer the public it supports in Local Local Missions a cultural opening to literature, meetings with book professionals and practical workshops which promote the creativity and skills of young people .
The groups are here made up of people aged 16 to 25, who have left or completed their school curriculum and are part of a process of access to employment or training with ML (Local Missions). They are volunteers to participate in the system’s programs.

Last season we started a first partnership with the ML of Orléans center.
In June, she hosted a “Reading aloud workshop“with an actor and a”Journey with an author“, which offers a meeting followed by a workshop. (The description of the programs is available here). These first moments, very appreciated by young people, allowed the establishment of recurring meetings in Orléans.

For this second year of deployment of Books and voicespartnerships with the ML of Chartres, Pithiviers and Tours Nord were also able to develop.

Feedback from participants confirms that they find it a place of discovery, expression and sometimes personal and emotional revelation. Contacts with speakers during workshops and meetings, as well as the support offered by ML advisors, contribute, for some of them, to gaining or regaining confidence in their abilities. Others, perhaps less easily expressive, still experience unique moments. These are always rich meetings, made up of exchanges, openness to literature and to others and whose contributions can be reinvested in their research and in the professional environment.

These moments also favored partnerships with book structures such as media libraries (Chartres, Tours Nord) or even with the Jaune Citron bookstore in Orléans, which made it possible to host meetings and offered mediation times on the functioning of these places dedicated to literature and free access.
To go further in the discovery and take advantage of the interest created by the system, some ML have also chosen to invest in the purchase of works linked to the meetings and offer them on free loan to people present or not during these moments, within the Local Missions themselves.



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