Au fil de Bleau: meet a Goncourt prize at the first Fontainebleau book fair

Au fil de Bleau: meet a Goncourt prize at the first Fontainebleau book fair
Au fil de Bleau: meet a Goncourt prize at the first Fontainebleau book fair


Julien Van Caeyseele

Published on

June 5, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

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Meetings with authors, readings, writing workshops, dictations in homage to Bernard Pivot and conferences on the French language… Here is an overview of the rich programming of the first edition of Au fil de Bleau, the Fontainebleau book fair (Seine et Marne), scheduled for Saturday June 8 and Sunday June 9 (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.), at Fontainebleau town hall.

Au fil de Bleau: French languages ​​at the heart of the meeting

“It was unthinkable not to offer a book fair in Fontainebleau, a city intimately linked to culture,” underlines Shana Brown, the organizer of this event.

Jean-Luc Marty, former journalist for Release Or Geo will be the honorary president of this first edition, placed under the theme of French languages. A meeting is also organized with this writer on Saturday June 8 (11 a.m. to 1 p.m.).

On Sunday (10 a.m./11 a.m.), a signing session will be offered with renowned authors, such as Mohamed Mbouga Sarr, Goncourt Prize 2021 with The most secret memory of menbut also Ananda Devi, French language prize 2023 with Chameleon Day.

With other international feathers – Shumona Sinha, Sarah Chiche, Annie Lulu and Samy Tchak (Africa Grand Prize for The mask festival) – they will participate in two meetings around French languages, Sunday June 9 (at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.).

But this high mass of Bellifontaine literature will also be an opportunity to discover the richness and abundance of local authors: Albertine Gentou (Little and big secrets of Fontainebleau) via Smina Kernoua who will present her second work (Solidarity in action), or the Avonnaise Kysia Dorizon (Typo).

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Visitors will also be able to meet Perthes-en-Gâtinais photographer Yannick Dagneau (Wild atmospheres in the Fontainebleau forest) who has also just launched an association for the preservation of wildlife in the Bellifontain massif. Publishers will also be present, such as Nicolas Quénu, from Editions du Sabot rouge, from Bourron-Marlotte, who will present local authors.

Great dictations in tribute to Pivot

If the meeting will give pride of place to authors, many activities will be offered. Each day will be launched with a major dictation, organized by the Lions Club: “A way of paying tribute to Bernard Pivot, one month after his death,” continues Shana Brown.

Other events will be offered to children: a slam workshop with Romanito Suerte for children on Saturday (4 p.m. to 6 p.m.) and a writing workshop for children led by Florence Fournier, the queen of Playmobil®.

The Lions Club will also offer text readings (Saturday June 8 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday June 9 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.). The meeting will also be an opportunity to award prizes to the winners of the first short story competition, organized by the association, on the theme Bellifontaine(s).

Information: registration required for workshops and activities [email protected]

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