INTERVIEW. Social networks: content creator Cyril Plantard reveals in a book his tips for navigating networks safely

INTERVIEW. Social networks: content creator Cyril Plantard reveals in a book his tips for navigating networks safely
INTERVIEW. Social networks: content creator Cyril Plantard reveals in a book his tips for navigating networks safely

the essential
Cyril Plantard, content creator on social networks specializing in innovation and new technologies and originally from , publishes a book on the world of social networks. The latter, entitled “500,000 subscribers: succeeding in the ruthless world of social networks”, will be released by Gereso on October 24. Interview.

Cyril Plantard, content creator on social networks specializing in innovation and new technologies and originally from Carcassonne, publishes a book on the world of social networks. The latter will be released by Gereso on October 24.

What is your story?

I am an agency manager in Carcassonne in the remote assistance sector, and I also started creating content on the internet around fifteen years ago.

Your book will be released in bookstores soon. Why did you want to write about the world of social networks?

I wanted to support people who want to be present on social networks, by providing them with tips and advice for success. But also alert content creators and brands to the issues of cyberharassment, the use of artificial intelligence for harmful purposes, and recognized cheating techniques.

So your book is aimed at people who want to get started on social networks?

Yes, and also to brands who want to offer services to influencers, and vice versa.

Are you responding to a need today through your book?

Brands risk buying services from content creators who may turn out to be cheaters, people who inflate numbers, or who have a bad image on the internet. Content creators, for their part, may face cyberharassment and death threats.

Any experiences that you yourself have faced?

Absolutely, especially cyberharassment because of my accent. I make videos, and I regularly receive comments that could be described as cyberharassment because they are mockery. My age allows me not to be affected, but if there is a young southerner of sixteen who is starting out, he can be affected.

“500,000 subscribers: succeeding in the ruthless world of social networks”, Éditions Gereso, 20 euros. Released October 24, possibility to pre-order. To follow Cyril Plantard on social networks, click here.




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