GUEST RTL – Tax on : “A false good idea”, denounces the CEO of Amazon

GUEST RTL – Tax on : “A false good idea”, denounces the CEO of Amazon
GUEST RTL – Tax on books: “A false good idea”, denounces the CEO of Amazon France

The National Assembly is preparing to begin debates on the 2025 finance bill, which will determine the state budget. Discussions which promise to be complicated, as evidenced by the 1,784 amendments tabled. Among the government’s proposals, the establishment of an exceptional tax for two years, for companies that generate more than one billion euros per year.

A tax increase which does not please the companies concerned, but Frédéric Duval, boss of Amazon , is careful not to question it. “We will pay, if it is decided, the tax. We are a legalistic company, we apply the law”, he reacts to the microphone of RTL. Currently, Amazon pays “a little more than 500 million euros in tax in France, for 10 billion in turnover”, indicates its French CEO.

Frédéric Duval’s fight is elsewhere. The CEO of Amazon France rather denounces tax on book deliveryapplied for a year to the delivery of via the Internet. “This tax is a good idea increase, it penalizes reading and readers in France,” he assures. For a year, the French have been paying three euros more for any online book order of less than 35 euros.

“The consequence of this tax is that a person in rural areas who is not close to a bookstore now pays 40% more for your paperback than someone who is in town”, denounces Frédéric Duval. “According to the IFOP, four out of 10 readers have reduced their purchase of books and read less. The best way to protect booksellers is to encourage reading“, he continues.

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