The Athies library puts on sale the it separates from

The Athies library puts on sale the it separates from
The Athies library puts on sale the books it separates from

This is what we call weeding in librarian jargon. This operation consists of sorting through the collection of works to remove some of them, and make room to accommodate new ones in order to update the collection. An operation all the more necessary as the Athies library works very well.

« Since the implementation of the digital library in 2021, we have gained 714 additional members and recorded 2,620 loans per year », Indicates Pascale Binet. And the assistant points out that the equipment has around a hundred board games and some 5,300 , of which 600 have therefore been removed from the shelves.

« It’s a matter of seeing what we do with itindicated the elected official, during the last municipal council. Knowing that we can donate it to associations or institutions, but not to individuals. » The elected officials therefore decided to offer them for sale, at a rate of 50 cents per copy, to the population and, if there are any left, to benefit associations.




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