Philippe Jaenada for his book “Casualty is a very beautiful thing”

Philippe Jaenada for his book “Casualty is a very beautiful thing”
Philippe Jaenada for his book “Casualty is a very beautiful thing”

Casualness is a very beautiful thing has been in bookstores since August 21.

Philippe Jaenada will be present at the Poetry House () on Tuesday October 1st at 7 p.m. to talk about his new novel.

The number 58 of the literary review The Female Shark published this summer devotes a file to Philippe Jaenada.

Sensitive matters Listen later

Lecture listen 55 min

Excerpts broadcast:

  • A telephone interview between gentleman burglar Bruno Sulak and police commissioner Georges Moréas, broadcast on Inter after his death in 1988
  • The trailer for the film The Wages of Fear (1953) directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot, with Yves Montand, Charles Vanel and Peter van Eyck
  • Patrick Modiano in 2007 on his novel In the café of lost youthlocated in the same spatio-temporal framework as Casualness is a very beautiful thing by Philippe Jaenada
  • The movie We go round at night and are consumed by fire by Guy Debord, made in 1978 and released in theaters in 1981
  • The documentary Bye (1990) by photographer Ed van der Elsken who immortalized the marginalized youth of Saint-Germain-des-Près in the 1950s in the book Love on the Left Bank (1956) bringing together his photos
  • Philippe Jaenada reads a page of Casualness is a very beautiful thing in which he evokes the beginning of his relationship with Anne-Catherine, who has since become his partner

Guest’s musical choice:
Philippe Jaenada makes us listen Flowers (2023) by Miley Cyrus, a song that “[le] makes you squirm” and which represents a certain form of casualness.

Guest discovery:
Philippe Jaenada draws our attention to a drawing by his partner, Anne-Catherine Fathtitled At the circusin which a woman “dances and jumps.”

Musical programming:
Dominique A – Humanity
DC Fountains – Favourite



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