Tenoua book to be published: “October 7, in the shadow of art”

Tenoua book to be published: “October 7, in the shadow of art”
Tenoua book to be published: “October 7, in the shadow of art”

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As the sad anniversary of October 7 approaches, Tenouathe media outlet run by Delphine Horvilleur, is publishing an essential work: a commemorative book to explore Jewish and Israeli artistic creation since the tragedy. The diversity of the works included in it allows us to explore all the sensitivities of a wounded but combative Israeli society. This book is published in French, English and Hebrew. All profits will be donated to the Hostage Families Forum.

“A year after the tragedy, and while its aftershocks continue to shake our world, Tenoua wondered how to commemorate and bear witness. Words seem powerless to express the intensity of the trauma, as they always are when it comes to expressing mourning. So we chose art, images and creation. To try to say beyond words what must never stop being told.”
Delphine Horvilleur, editorial director of Tenoua

“There is nothing more complicated than working on the tragedies that are happening before our eyes, because the risk of making mistakes is great, the risk of serving propaganda that is contrary to our feelings. That is why I try to subordinate my work to a relationship with journalism and the work of a historian.”
Joann Sfar, author, director and screenwriter

“Rather than the indignity of the ultraviolent images that have overwhelmed us for a year, we asked Israeli and Jewish artists what they can tell us about the bitter darkness from which we cannot escape, how they can say what we are no longer able to articulate.”
Antoine Strobel-Dahan, editor-in-chief of Tenoua



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