Here are the books recommended by Harvard for success

Here are the books recommended by Harvard for success
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It is a very good idea to read books for success. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs did it, as did all men and women who are considered successful in their professional lives.

Reading is beneficial for many reasons. It is first of all a habit that works on your concentration and your attention, it also helps you to expand your vocabulary, to find inspiration, to relax, to discover new things and it can give you the tools you need. need to complete a project, achieve a goal, and develop an objective.

Some say that no idea is original, that everything comes from books already written, which means that inspiration will certainly not arrive spontaneously, that it must be sought and that also through books. Reading helps you keep your brain active and powerful, open your mind and discover endless possibilities, which you can apply to your personal and professional life.

And just like Bill Gates has his own blog where he recommends books to learn how to succeed, Harvard University has some suggestions worth looking into.

6 books for success recommended by Harvard

The Wild Sheep Race by Haruki Murakami

This book is on Harvard’s list of 100 books everyone should read. This fiction book can teach you how to think outside the box, be creative, and follow your instincts. The Wild Sheep Race (Threshold) tells the story of a man who is entrusted with the mission of finding a sheep with a star on its back. He must drop everything, including his job, to embark on a long journey, following clues, visiting new places and asking the right questions of eccentric characters in order to get what he needs.

Nine Lies about Work: A Freethinking Leader’s Guide to the Real World by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall

“As Marcus Buckingham – quiet strength guru and best-selling author – and Ashley Goodall – director of leadership and team intelligence at Cisco – show in this provocative and inspiring book, we face big challenges. lies (distortions, wrong assumptions, wrong thoughts) every time we attend a meeting. Nine lies, to be exact,” says Harvard.

This book helps identify all those myths and misconceptions we have about work that cause anxiety, frustration, and problems, so we can work better, recognize our strengths, and become better leaders.

Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works by AG Lafley and Roger Martin

This book is based on the success story of P&G and the strategies used to build a successful, sustainable and stable business. The book explains the importance of developing a strategy and how it can be used to achieve goals more effectively and productively, not only in the business world, but also on a personal level.



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