unrecognizable, the actress reveals herself as we have never seen her, “Growing old is not fun…”

On September 30, Monica Bellucci will celebrate her 60th birthday. A big milestone for her, long considered the most beautiful woman in the world. If her beauty still fascinates, her physique is changing and she is well aware of it. As part of the release of the film Paradise Paristhe Italian confided without taboo to Paris Match.

In Marjane Satrapi’s feature film, in theaters since June 12, 2024, Monica Bellucci plays a singer that everyone has forgotten. In certain scenes, she appears as we have never seen her on screen: with makeup and lighting that age her. The opportunity for the film star to discuss his relationship with the passing of time.

Monica Bellucci (Paradis Paris) aged on screen: she talks about the difficulties of her job

It doesn’t benefit my physical appearance, but it’s for the role. With this appearance, I bring a character to life”, explains Monica Bellucci. The muse of Dolce & Gabbana concedes: “We can’t fight time forever. At some point, we have to make an armistice”.

The actress then speaks about the reality of her profession: “Since my job is acting, my body is my work tool. However, my body has changed and necessarily tells different stories than twenty or thirty years ago, when I played in ‘Dobermann’, ‘Malèna’, ‘Irréversible’ or ‘The Passion of the Christ’”.

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Growing old is an opportunity in the eyes of Monica Bellucci, “A favor that life offers you

As she approaches sixty, Monica Bellucci demonstrates great wisdom: “Getting old doesn’t feel good, but as long as you wake up in good health, growing old becomes a favor that life offers you. You have the opportunity to see your children grow up, to be there for them… And I am happy to be here today, at 60 years old.”.

Very close to Deva and Léonie, her daughters born from her union with Vincent Cassel, the former model considers herself very lucky. “Deva is a young woman who amazes me with her choices, and Léonie, despite her young age, is responsible and I have confidence in her”, she confides, proud to see her children achieve.

Monica Bellucci: almost 60 years old, the actress seems more fulfilled than ever

At the microphone ofEurope 1the one who found love again in the arms of director Tim Burton also explained: “I think that old age is an opportunity because becoming old means living a long time and not everyone is that lucky.”.

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The one who fully embraces her age continues: “I tell myself that I am lucky to still do a job that I love, but above all to have a family that I love and who loves me, to have friends and to still have the pleasure of the life”. The least we can say is that Monica Bellucci looks more fulfilled than ever!



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