Catherine Lara confides about her love life

Catherine Lara confides about her love life
Catherine Lara confides about her love life

Guest of Culture Media on Europe 1 this Friday June 14, Catherine Lara spoke about her love life as she rarely does.

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This Friday, June 14, Thomas Isle received in Culture Médias on Europe 1, Catherine Larathe essential interpreter of the titles Magic Night And The diamond rocker in the 80s. The 79-year-old singer and violinist was a guest on the tour of her show Identities that she will play at La Scala in Paris on December 20 and 21. At the microphone of Europe 1, Catherine Lara revealed an anecdote about one of her cult titles, Autonomouswhich echoes his current romantic situation.

Catherine Lara rarely confides about her love life

In this song from his album The Diamond Rocker, Catherine Lara quotes the following sentence: “Free to love a woman or a man.” At the microphone of Culture Mediathe singer spoke about the meaning of this sentence and drew a parallel with her romantic situation: “We put people in a drawer, they are gay, they are straight… I am all of those things at the same time. I’m in love with someone, and it turns out that I’ve been living with the same woman for 30 years, because she’s a woman. Well there you go, it’s just love.” This one who has shared Catherine Lara’s life since “30 years” is none other than Samantha. In an interview with Gala in 2020, the “diamond rocker” compared this relationship to a “fabulous garden that is watered with great delicacy” : “Because we must not lie to ourselves: promiscuity in a couple is a terrible killer of love. We must be vigilant,” she added.

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Catherine Lara looks back on her relationship with her ex Muriel Robin

Before experiencing perfect love with Samantha, Catherine Lara was in a relationship with a well-known public figure, Muriel Robin. Guest of At the house of Luxury Jordan last December, Catherine Lara spoke openly about her relationship with the 68-year-old actress: “She is still my best friend. I still have love for her. You know, when you have loved someone very much, you love them all your life. Muriel is an extraordinary woman, I love her always”, she declared before returning to their story: “We experienced something extremely strong, five years is not a day. It was an extraordinary story and then, at a certain point, our paths diverged and it was good that they separated. Muriel had things to sort out, me too, but to find each other again, because we never left each other.” she assured.



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