Émilien (Les 12 coups de midi) evokes an improbable link between his tenth Mysterious Star and his first victory

Émilien (Les 12 coups de midi) evokes an improbable link between his tenth Mysterious Star and his first victory
Émilien (Les 12 coups de midi) evokes an improbable link between his tenth Mysterious Star and his first victory

While he has just discovered his tenth Mysterious Star this Thursday, June 13, Émilien admitted that there was a strange link between this new milestone reached and his first victory in The 12 strokes of noon last September 25.

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What if his destiny was mapped out in advance? After a new, perfectly conducted show this Thursday, June 13, Émilien won his tenth Mysterious Star in The 12 strokes of noon. An absolute record in the history of the TF1 show. Impressively, the 21-year-old even managed to discover the hidden personality, Canadian singer The Weeknd, while the fresco was still covered with six blue boxes. An artist who had already been quite successful in Émilien in the past…

It’s a nice loop“: Emilien (The 12 strokes of noon) risks becoming a very big fan of The Weeknd

During the game on Friday June 14, Jean-Luc Reichmann looked back on the XXL performance achieved by his little protégé. “In the small town of Péault, there is a small car dealership“, he began by joking, recalling that Émilien had therefore won ten cars. Still on cloud nine following his victory the day before, the absolute champion of 12 shots of noon however, wanted to tell a funny anecdote. “The Weeknd really brought me luck. It was my tenth Star and it was the response I had to give to my very first masterstroke during my first broadcast. It’s a nice loop“, he said with a big smile.

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The 12 strokes of noon : Émilien became the greatest champion in the history of the show in all registers

Landed in The 12 strokes of noon On September 25, Émilien became, in almost eight months, the master of the Maîtres de midi. From his debut, the candidate managed to impress viewers by achieving six “Masterstrokes” during his first week of broadcast. Never really in danger, the 21-year-old History student then demoted one by one the greatest champions in the history of the front page, including Bruno Hourcade, who had been sitting on the throne for almost three years. “I saw it coming. I was psychologically prepared for him to overtake me. When it happened, I took it very well.” however declared the now ex-best champion, during an interview given to Tele-Leisure.



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