Céline Saffré (Large families) is firmly opposed to a school trip, she explains

Céline Saffré (Large families) is firmly opposed to a school trip, she explains
Céline Saffré (Large families) is firmly opposed to a school trip, she explains

Yesterday at 1:00 p.m. – by
Sophie Bongart

Pregnant with her tenth child, Céline Saffré spoke on her networks this Monday, June 3, to give news of her latest pregnancy and explain to her subscribers the reason why her children will not go on a trip with their classes.

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The Saffré family, revealed to the public thanks to the show Large families: life in XXL, has left the program for some time. However, their fans can still follow their daily life on social networks, where they have more than 61,000 followers on Instagram. Last January, Céline Saffré announced that she was expecting her tenth child, a little girl. She also explained why she delayed informing her husband, Fabrice, of this new pregnancy. This Monday, June 3, the mother spoke at length to her community in a story after a moment of absence. “I didn’t have much to tell you. You know that it’s still routine at our house“, she clarified.

Céline Saffré (Large families) cancels a school trip: “It’s not CAF that pays”

Then, the mother gives news of her children who are entering their last month of school. “Charles’ class went on school vacation. But this year, we decided that we would not wear them. They’re going to have a lot of great trips with us.”, explains Céline Saffré. The mother adds that these children will be out and about a lot this summer, unlike her, who will stay at home. “They are children to be pitied! They have a pretty sad life”she quips. “They are not the unhappiest children in the world. And know that it is not the CAF which will pay for the children’s holidays. It is us. I see the messages arriving fast!”

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Céline Saffré 7 months pregnant: “the baby moves a lot”

Céline Saffré, several months pregnant, is doing wonderfully. “Saturday, I went for my gestational diabetes test and the analysis results were great! I have to make an appointment with the anesthesiologist for the epidural because I’m not a gamer. My last ultrasound is in a few days . We are 31 weeks and two days. It’s moving really fast “, she indicates. “I have a baby in great shape who moves a lot, more at night. I will have to tackle the maternity suitcase. I will be operational.”

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

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