“It’s hard not to have a good time” Clint Eastwood is a die-hard fan of this film, he left his mark on the Hollywood director

“It’s hard not to have a good time” Clint Eastwood is a die-hard fan of this film, he left his mark on the Hollywood director
“It’s hard not to have a good time” Clint Eastwood is a die-hard fan of this film, he left his mark on the Hollywood director

Clint Eastwood, one of Hollywood’s most iconic actors and directors, has had a rich and varied career. Among the many films that have marked his professional life, there is one that holds a special place in his heart: “The Strange Incident”. In an interview, Eastwood said that, among other things, it was “hard not to have a good time.”

Clint Eastwood, an iconic figure in American cinema, has often cited various influences that have shaped his prolific career as an actor and director. Among these influences, one film in particular stands out: The Strange Incident (original title : The Ox-Bow Incident). This dramatic western, directed by William A. Wellman and released in 1943, had a profound impact on young Clint Eastwood, who first saw it as a child.

The Strange Incident tells the harrowing story of a group of citizens taking justice into their own hands by lynching three innocent men accused of cattle rustling and murder. The film, based on the novel of the same name by Walter Van Tilburg Clark, is a scathing critique of summary justice and angry mobs. It explores themes of morality, guilt and collective responsibility, topics that resonated deeply with Eastwood.

In an interview, Clint Eastwood said it was “hard not to have a good time” watching The Strange Incident, even if the film deals with serious subjects. He highlighted the strength of the storytelling and the emotional power of the performances, particularly that of Henry Fonda, who plays one of the main roles. Fonda, with her presence and play, left a lasting impression on Eastwood.

When I saw Henry Fonda and Dana Andrews with their hats, I thought it was going to be a violent film. It was in the early 40s, and (…) it was mostly a depressing story (laughs). It wasn’t really a comedy, but it really spoke to me, because for the time, it addressed certain moral values ​​about mob violence, but also a lot of other things like racism, pseudo-machismo , the father-son relationship, and even as a kid, I really liked it all.”

An influence in its realization

This film had a profound impact on Clint Eastwood, not only as a viewer, but also as a future filmmaker. The themes covered in The Strange Incident — justice, honor, and moral complexity — are found in many of Eastwood’s works. Movies like Ruthless (1992) or Mystic River (2003) address similar issues of justice and redemption, clearly showing the influence of this Wellman film.

You can see that it’s a film without much budget, with a lot of interiors, you can hear the echo of the reverberation of the sound on set, there are plastic rocks in the background, but the film pulls you into its story so much that you don’t care.

Eastwood has often expressed his admiration for The Strange Incident, considering it a model of cinematic storytelling. He explained that the film taught him the importance of character depth and moral complexity in storytelling. This influence manifests itself in the way Eastwood directs his actors and constructs his stories, often characterized by moral dilemmas and multifaceted characters.

However, to enjoy the film, you will have to go through a physical format: The strange incident is currently not available on streaming platforms.



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