Northern Lights in the French sky: “I had the feeling of experiencing a historic night!”

Northern Lights in the French sky: “I had the feeling of experiencing a historic night!”
Northern Lights in the French sky: “I had the feeling of experiencing a historic night!”

Astrophotographer Christine Cougoulaine, member of the L’Étoile Cévennes association, will long remember these solar eruptions which gave a spectacle of fascinating aurora borealis on the night of October 10.

“I had the feeling of experiencing a historic night in !” will confirm Christine Cougoulaine in front of this unique spectacle in the Cévennes. Passionate about astronomy and photography, author of exhibitions and publications in specialized journals, it is through writing that she then translates the feeling experienced in front of this celestial painting…

“On the heights of Alès, after a day where heavy clouds had clung to the sky like impenetrable curtains, hope still wavered, fragile, but tenacious. The wind began to chase away these gray sails in a discreet ballet. Little by little, shards of silver appeared, timid, but promising.

The constellations were revealed, piercing the night like jewels on a black fabric

The constellations were revealed, piercing the night like jewels on black fabric. This was where anticipation became exhilaration. Each breath of cold air that bit the skin brought with it the promise of a rare, magical spectacle. And suddenly, in a rush of adrenaline, they are there. The Northern Lights, appearing like celestial paintbrushes, danced before us. First, subtle touches of pink, touching the horizon, then intense bursts of red, swirling in the sky like soft flames.

A moment of eternity, where the sky, the stars, and these luminous waves seemed to say everything.

We remained frozen, eyes wide open, breath suspended, as if time itself had given way under this infinite beauty. A moment of eternity, where the sky, the stars, and these luminous waves seemed to say everything. The camera in his hands, ready to capture the elusive, but more than anything, it was the soul that recorded every nuance, every pulsation of the cosmos.
And there, in this starry night, with the caress of the wind and the thrill of the immensity, we understood that the real magic was not only in the light, but in the waiting, in the silence, in this shared moment with infinity.”



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