Virginie Efira reveals how her drinking tainted her romantic relationships

Virginie Efira reveals how her drinking tainted her romantic relationships
Virginie Efira reveals how her drinking tainted her romantic relationships

Virginie Efira is one of the most fashionable French-speaking actresses in recent years. The Brussels resident is celebrating her 47th birthday on May 5 and spoke to Society magazine for the occasion. She looked back on her beginnings in Belgium, but also her arrival in Paris in the 2000s.

The actress confided that she consumed a lot of alcohol to appear comfortable in society and to disinhibit her apprehensions. A method which, however, penalized him in his private life.

Virginie Efira reveals her relationship with alcohol in her early days

Interviewed by Society magazine, Virginie Efira spoke about her beginnings in the French capital. The actress claims to have used alcohol to gain more assurance and self-confidence. “Indeed, all the clichés of the night, the time that extends, the hierarchies that fade away, alcohol that loosens, which removes too strong self-consciousness. And then I went to a place called Le Baron and I had the impression that there, you could meet people from very different backgrounds,” she first declared.

“I liked it and then, I’m Belgian and well, it comes with the package so to speak: in the face of alcohol, I was robust. Very few hangovers. And the big problem with that was that I bypassed my vulnerabilityI was knocking it out instead of dealing with it and moving forward” she then admitted.

Virginia Efira

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photo credit: Shutterstock Virginie Efira opened up about her alcohol consumption in her early days, which she used to be more comfortable in society. She admitted that this consumption, however, tainted her romantic relationships.

Virginie Efira: how alcohol tainted her romantic relationships

Virginie Efira looked back on this time with a lot of pragmatism and revealed that her consumption of alcohol had not been without consequences, particularly in her private life. Especially in romantic relationships. I never drank before a live performance or a movie scene, but on the other hand, I drank when I went out because I was in a basic situation of someone who wanted to be loved, but who didn’t think he was super friendly. I had the impression of being too ‘up to date’, that we needed to have more mystery, in any case, so that we could say that there was something to conquer. If we saw straight away that it was a given, it wouldn’t work… » she confided without taboo.

Today the actress has a lot of perspective on her behavior in her early days. She added: “But we know it well, when you try to do that, reality always reappears at some point. And so, there’s no point in getting around it. In general, the moment you are strongest is when you really have nothing left to shake.”

Virginie Efira, happy wife and mother

Today, and for 6 years, the actress, 20 years apart, is living perfect love with Niels Schneider. The very discreet couple welcomed a little boy named Hiro on August 28, 2023 in Paris.

Virginie Efira was already a mother. She had, with her former companion, the director Mabrouk El Mechri, Ali, born May 24, 2013.



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