Welcome to the Beta generation, bringing together babies born since 2025. Why are they called that and what characterizes them?
You may have heard about the Beta generation in recent days. It concerns all babies born since the start of this new year 2025.
Where does this name come from? It was an Australian researcher, the sociologist Mark MC Crindle, who was at the origin. It was by studying previous generations, namely the Baby Boomers, named by other sociologists in the 1980s, and generations X, Y and Z, that he realized that we have not yet created any following.
He therefore decides to name them using the Greek alphabet: Alpha, and beta from now on. Then will come… Gamma!
So all these generations, what segment of the population do they represent? Currently, there are 6 generations living side by side in our world.
THE Baby Boomersare people born after the Second World War, until the mid-1960s. This is a generation that experienced the golden age, full employment… People who enjoy and happily spend their money .
Then comes the generationwhich includes people born between 1965 and 1980, who are called the “sacrificed” generation, because they have experienced many upheavals and moments of instability. This generation is marked by global upheavals, with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the beginning of unemployment too, social instability with the rise of feminism and the first divorces.
The Generation Yalso known as Millennials, encompasses individuals born between 1980 and the mid-90s. These individuals grew up in the digital age. They value diversity, inclusion and meaning in work.
Those born between the end of the 1990s and 2012 make up the generation Z. This is a hyper-connected generation, which grew up with social networks, a generation that is also eco-anxious. She is often singled out for her lack of conformity and her disrespect for elders.
Finally comes the Alpha generationfrom 2012 to 2025… These children are also ultra connected, but limited. They also influence their parents. These young people must juggle the challenges of artificial intelligence.
And then, today’s infants are part of the Beta generation. What characterizes them?
This will undoubtedly be the first generation to discover autonomous transport on a large scale, flying cars for example. Virtual environments should take up more and more space in their daily lives. The climate issue will remain at the center of concerns. Finally, this generation should experience the 22nd century.
Generation Beta birth generations