Spain and Saudi Arabia also advise their citizens to “stay alert” or leave Lebanon

Spain and Saudi Arabia also advise their citizens to “stay alert” or leave Lebanon
Spain and Saudi Arabia also advise their citizens to “stay alert” or leave Lebanon

After Germany, Canada and the Netherlands, it is now Spain and Saudi Arabia who are asking their nationals to leave Lebanon due to the growing risks of escalation in the region.

The Spanish Embassy in Beirut issued an urgent statement, recommending the postponement of all non-essential travel to Lebanon. “Given the uncertainty regarding the possible evolution of the security situation in the south of the country and the increasing volatility in the region, it is reiterated that it is appropriate to postpone all non-essential travel to Lebanon,” specifies the embassy.

The Spanish authorities also advise their nationals to check with their airlines for possible schedule changes or cancellations of flights to or from Beirut.

The embassy particularly emphasizes the extreme danger posed by travel south of the Litani River, due to events taking place in Israel, Gaza and southern Lebanon. She recommends that all Spaniards present in Lebanon keep themselves informed of developments in the situation and scrupulously follow the security instructions of the local authorities.

The statement warns of the risk of episodes of violence, including armed violence, and demonstrations that could occur anywhere in the country. It also mentions shortages of fuel, medicine, water and electricity that are affecting the entire country and disrupting essential services.

In a parallel development, Saudi Arabia called on all Saudi nationals currently in the country “to leave immediately.”



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