the world of intelligence cautious about the intentions of the RN

the world of intelligence cautious about the intentions of the RN
the world of intelligence cautious about the intentions of the RN

The world of intelligence, which defines itself as the first line of defense against the dangers that threaten the country, remained quite circumspect after the announcements made by the leaders of the National Rally (RN) on the project to prohibit dual nationals from accessing positions. in this regal domain. This type of dogma is first of all contrary, according to the people interviewed by The world, in search of efficiency which requires pragmatism, particularly in the face of terrorism. Furthermore, this idea seems to them to reflect a lack of knowledge of the world of intelligence. Because it is not binationality that creates disloyalty. And if it can create a point of weakness for the agents concerned, the secret services have been organized to manage this aspect for a long time.

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The legislative elections, a period of reserve, have not made spies very talkative, including retired ones. Already not very inclined, by nature, to open up, they also know that speaking out, even innocuous, can cost them dearly on a professional level. Olivier Mas, a former officer claiming fifteen years of service at the General Directorate for External Security (DGSE), is one of the few to have spoken publicly, but he is a regular: he left this service in 2017 and has since hosted a YouTube channel on intelligence.

He denounces, for his part, a “completely absurd and counter-effective measure” which could weaken France in the face of terrorism: “At the beginning of the 2000s, when European territory began to be hit by Al-Qaeda attacks, the DGSE decided to significantly recruit French people of North African origin. In particular to carry out counterterrorism and help infiltrate terrorist groups. » As there are multiple scenarios, some may be binational.

Among translators, dual nationals are not rare.

A former head of the intelligence service, in office during the terrorist attacks that hit France in 2015 and 2016, points out that the authorization procedures are there to eliminate any risk linked to dual nationality. “It’s on a case by case basis, we investigate and track down all possible points of vulnerability and assess the benefit/risk ratio. Binationality is one point among others, the more the applicant comes from a sensitive country, such as Russia, China, Chechnya, Algeria or Iran, the more likely he or she will be subject to pressure. if his family still lives there. Even if we trust him and he is competent, we will not take him. » If a binational agent sent on an operation in his family’s country of origin were arrested, he would not be able to benefit from the consular protection due to French citizens.

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