Faced with the “threat” from the far right, a Collective calls on Muslims in France to vote FP

Faced with the “threat” from the far right, a Collective calls on Muslims in France to vote FP
Faced with the “threat” from the far right, a Collective calls on Muslims in France to vote FP

As France prepares to elect its next government and its new National Assembly, a wave of concern is rising among Arabs and foreigners in France, particularly in the Muslim community. The rise of the far right leaves serious uncertainty surrounding their future. Faced with this threat, the Collective Vote Musulman launched a strong appeal to the Muslim community of France, encouraging them to vote for the Popular Front in order to counter the advance of the far right.

In a poignant press release, including HFR express holds a copy, the Collectif Vote Musulman urged the Muslim community to mobilize massively during the elections of June 30 and July 7, 2024. “ Faced with the imminent danger that the coming to power of the far right represents for our rights and our freedom of worship, we call for a massive mobilization of the community at the polls on June 30 and July 7, 2024“, declares the Collective. This position is a clear reminder of the persistent hostilities of the far right towards Muslims in France, despite an attempt to demonize these movements.

Religious legitimacy of the vote

The Collective is also aimed at Muslims who have hesitations about their participation in the vote, in particular members of the community “ Salafist“. Quoting respected religious figures, the statement stressed: ” Scholars like Sheikh Abdel-Rahman Al-Nihaik, a Saudi scholar carrying out a thesis in France on the situation of Muslims in France, affirms that it is undoubtedly permissible to vote for the Popular Front in order to preserve the rights and interests of Muslims« .

Furthermore, Sheikh Mutlaq al-Jassir reinforces this legitimacy by specifying that “ voting for parties least harmful to Muslims is not only allowed but required to reduce harm. He recalls that the Law of Allah aims to repel evils and attract benefits“, underlines the same source.

Consequences of a victory for the far right

While expressing its understanding of “those who do not believe in the usefulness of the vote” or who have hesitations, particularly members of the “Salafist” community, the Collective specifies that “this is not a vote of opinion, it It’s a vote of survival. Anti-Muslim racism can also be present on the left, but it is nothing compared to the scale and scope of that of the RN.”

« Macron’s so-called ‘separatism’ laws have made it possible to close Koranic schools, mosques, but also associations fighting against racism and Islamophobia. The far right is proposing an even more radical version of this text, targeting what they call ‘Islamist ideologies’. In reality, they make no distinction between Islamists and ordinary Muslims.“, explains the Collective.

Thus, the Collective details the drastic measures that the extreme right could introduce if it were to obtain a majority in the National Assembly. Among the implications:

Article 4: Closure and censorship of Islamic/Muslim schools, publishing houses, and publications.
Articles 8 and 22: Closure of mosques, institutes, associations and private Muslim schools.
Article 9: Ban on Muslim religious gatherings.
Article 10: Ban on the veil, abaya and qamis in public spaces.
Article 11: Prohibition of praying in public spaces.

These proposals, if they become law, would have a devastating impact on the Muslim community in France, restricting their religious freedom and their civil rights, the same source specifies.

A vote of survival

The Collective’s call is clear: it is not a vote of opinion, but a vote of survival. “ We understand those who do not believe in the usefulness of voting, but this is not a vote of opinion, it is a vote of survival“insists the press release. Anti-Muslim racism, although present on the left, is described as being on a much smaller scale compared to that of the National Rally (RN).

Many imams and local religious authorities support this call for mobilization. The press release mentions that “ several initiatives calling for Muslim votes emerged during elections in the United States and the United Kingdom, where local imams encouraged Muslims to take up electoral issues“. The sermons of Yasir Qadhi, an American theologian and doctor at Yale, are cited as an example to illustrate the importance of active participation in elections.

A duty of citizenship

Finally, the Muslim Vote Collective calls on every Muslim in France to take their civic responsibilities and actively participate in the next elections. “ It is our responsibility as Muslims to choose the lesser evil, for ourselves and for our more vulnerable brothers and sisters.“, underlines the press release. The Popular Front is presented as the only party capable of defending the interests of Muslims and responding to the concerns of the community, particularly with regard to the Palestinian question.

The Collective’s message is clear and unequivocal: faced with the rise of the far right, electoral participation is not only a right, but a duty for all Muslims in France.



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