“Politics in West Africa must be corrected… The far right in power, a danger…”

“Politics in West Africa must be corrected… The far right in power, a danger…”
“Politics in West Africa must be corrected… The far right in power, a danger…”

Born and raised in Tunisia where his family had been based for a long time, Erwan Borhan Davoux, in his various functions, had the opportunity to travel across the countries of the constituency which includes both the Maghreb and East Africa. West including Senegal, which he knows well and with whom he has a history of friendship.

In the interview given to Dakaractu, Erwan discusses the emergencies and the historical weight of the legislative elections which will be held in France in a few days. But also, the candidate addresses the emergencies for French people in the Maghreb and West Africa countries, without forgetting to note the position of the far right in these electoral deadlines.

Dakaractu – What are the motivations that push you to run for the 2024 legislative elections in France?

I decided to be a candidate in the ninth constituency of French people living abroad without demanding a nomination, to be an independent candidate in the Gaullist, Chiraquian and Villepinist line because I no longer recognize any political party. It seems to me that the line that I embody has been erased and it also seems to me that political parties no longer really play their role which is to shed light on debates, to offer options to the French. These parties have become parties of small cliques where there are few members and where the only ambition is that the leaders can have advantages such as drivers, offices and others. I believe we need to get out of this system and really put France above parties.

Dakaractu – The dissolution of the national assembly, a decision which surprised more than one: how did you welcome it?

I think that the dissolution of the National Assembly decided by President Macron Macron is appropriate to the situation since we experienced a political earthquake in the European elections and we have been in a political crisis for two years. So I think that for the situation the decision is appropriate, but I think that it comes at the wrong time, that is to say that Emmanuel Macron has been governing without a majority for two years, which is not not consistent with the spirit of the institutions. The Fifth Republic is a majority and an opposition and for two years, governing without a majority gave the feeling of political powerlessness.

Dakaractu – How do you analyze France’s foreign policy, particularly in West Africa?

I believe that France’s foreign policy has resulted in a significant loss of influence in West Africa. A loss of sympathy too and even his expulsion from the Sahelian zone. This is the policy that needs to be corrected. It’s not really an anti-French feeling, but a rejection of paternalistic politics with often condescending behavior, we must move towards new partnerships on an equal footing in a constructive spirit and restore the link and above all in an approach of equality, cooperation and partnership.

Dakaractu – What are the emergencies, according to you, for French people established in the Maghreb and West Africa?

There are many French people living abroad, particularly in Senegal, with nearly 20,000 registered and especially dual nationals. It is obvious that the Popular Front program presents dangers. The first is that Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants all French people who live abroad, that is to say anyone who has French nationality, to be forced to pay their income tax in France, so that this person does not benefit from the consideration, which is the provision of a public service almost free of charge. I would strongly oppose this tax based on nationality, because it would greatly penalize our compatriots who live in the ninth district and in Senegal and others for those who already pay income tax. In France, the Popular Front has planned to increase its taxes by 50 billion this summer, I will defend our compatriots who live abroad. There are already lateral tax treaties. I hope that they remain and that everyone can have the choice. I don’t plan to see Mélenchon who wants to base the tax on nationality, which would be a real disaster for Senegal. Another big problem. I believe in family and societal benchmarks. I think that François Hollande deconstructed French family policy and that it was a big mistake because the birth rate fell in France to reach the European average whereas before it was higher. In the Popular Front program there is a measure that seems really crazy to me: it is the one that would allow the change of marital status of sex by a simple declaration at the town hall, whereas before there was a legal procedure for That. So I say yes to gender equality, but no to gender negation. There, it would be enough to go to the town hall to make a declaration and change your marital status. I think we are destroying the foundations of society and I am opposed to it.

Also, the other axis of my program concerns French teaching abroad. We must maintain quality education abroad. Especially since France now faces strong competition from other foreign states. So, not lose quality and above all that this French education, this French teaching abroad which transmits the French language, but also values, can be done at a reasonable cost; those who say free are demagogy. On the other hand, tuition fees are far too high for families and we must work to reduce them. Unfortunately, this is not the path that is taken since the funds allocated to State action in French high schools abroad are set to decrease. The government has frozen 10 billion euros. But I strongly oppose it. We want quality education at a reasonable cost. I believe that it is very important for our compatriots established in the region and also for all those who do not have French nationality but who love France and who want to study in French establishments. We must not exclude them and put barriers against them. We must be able to respond to the supply of French which is significant, and I think this is an emergency, particularly in Senegal whose diplomatic role has often been a beacon for the French-speaking world. Senegal is a very special place.

Dakaractu – Your point of view on this rise of the extreme right…

I mean that the national rally is of course not at all the solution and the extremes are never the solution because the program of the National Front, the heart of the program is directed against the countries of this ninth constituency which includes the Maghreb and West Africa. For example, it provides that a foreigner who loses his job and does not find one for a year will be forced to leave France. We are not at all talking about an offender or a person who has committed terrorist acts. We are simply talking about a person who entered France regularly, who had a job that he lost and who had a little difficulty finding another one. And the National Rally proposes that this person be expelled. I find this totally inhumane. And naturally this is what the national gathering would do in the event of victory, and of course, the countries of the ninth constituency would not sit idly by. There is a principle of reciprocity, that is to say that if we put all the nationals of the Maghreb and West African States in the crosshairs, it is obvious that they will take measures of reciprocity and that therefore, all French people who live in the Maghreb and West Africa, particularly in Senegal, will see their living conditions deteriorate and the perception that we can have of them in their country of residence as well , degrade. I say be careful of what the National Rally prepares. This is absolutely catastrophic for this region of the world.

I want to embody the voice of reason in this election. I am a Gaullist, a Chiraquian and I refuse the extremes which are always bad for France. I want to reconnect us and for the French to be reconciled. I want to restore the link between France and each of the countries of this region of West Africa and Senegal for which I have immense affection, we must renew links of trust, we must put an end to simplistic speeches and populists who designate the other, the foreigner, the one who is different, the one who has another religion, as necessarily a danger when he is of course also an opportunity, a wealth. Jacques Chirac said that “France is rich in its diversity and that is what I believe in”.

Dakaractu – The message to the compatriots in your constituency…

President Macron chose the minimum period provided for by the constitution of 20 days, which is very short in France and which is really very difficult when you are a candidate abroad, because the ninth constituency has 16 countries, I find that we could have had a slightly longer election and therefore I draw attention to our compatriots, our friends established in Senegal. Voting begins on Tuesday 25 at noon, it will end on Thursday 27 at noon for electronic voting. Then on Sunday June 30, as in France, there will be a vote at the ballot box in the polling stations and I invite everyone to participate in this crucial election. We must at all costs avoid the arrival of extremes in power. It’s never good for France and it’s never good for French people who live abroad…



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