Legislative elections in France: discover the results of the latest polls

Legislative elections in France: discover the results of the latest polls
Legislative elections in France: discover the results of the latest polls
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What results can we expect the day after the first round of the legislative elections in France?

According to an Opinionway poll published by Les Echos on June 15, the National Rally would come first in these legislative elections in France. The party led by Jordan Bardella won 33% of voting intentions. It comes clearly ahead of the New Popular Front – bringing together France Insoumise, the Socialist Party, the Ecologists and the French Communist Party – which garners 25% of voting intentions. In third place, we find the presidential majority and its 20% voting intentions.

Two surveys published Monday June 10 presented the same trends. In the first study, carried out for Challenges, M6 and RTL, the RN received 34% of voting intentions, the United Left 22%, the Macronist camp 19% (compared to 25.8%), and LR 9%, tied with “various left” candidates, for example “dissident of the Socialist Party”. In the OpinionWay study, for CNews, Europe 1 and Le Journal du Dimanche, the RN obtained 33%, Nupes 23% and the presidential majority 18%.

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What were the results of the first round of the 2022 legislative elections?

During the first round of voting in 2022, the presidential majority was slightly ahead of Nupes. The macronie was credited with 25.8% of the votes, while the left union won 25.7% of the votes. The Rassemblement national then only came in third position with 18.7% of the votes. In fourth position, the Union of the Right and Center had 11.3% of the votes.



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