Togo launches “Nana Tech”, which combines ICT and female entrepreneurship

Togo launches “Nana Tech”, which combines ICT and female entrepreneurship
Togo launches “Nana Tech”, which combines ICT and female entrepreneurship

In Togo, the minister in charge of the digital economy and digital transformation launched Friday June 14 in Lomé, the Nana Tech Programan initiative to train young women entrepreneurs in digital professions, with a view to enabling them to digitalize their businesses and boost their returns through new digital levers.

“Nana Tech is a concept which is part of the government vision and which aims to identify and promote female talents in the study and information sector. », Explains Kafui Ekouhoho, head of the Togo Digital agency (ATD) and representative of the supervisory minister, Cina Lawson, at this launch.

“Nana Tech” is inspired by “Nana Benz”, Togolese entrepreneurs who, in the 70s and 80s, dominated the loincloth trade. Thus, “Inspired by this precious heritage, we wish to perpetuate this culture of excellence now in the digital economy with the promotion of Nanatech. », Adds the representative.

In total, 1,500 women should benefit from this program.

Support from OMCA

For this year, the program housed entirely within the Djanta Tech hub, is supported by the Implementation Organization of the Millennium Challenge Account in Togo (OMCA-Togo), as part of its ICT promotion program, financed by the MCC Threshold program.

“The implementing body of the Millennium Challenge Account Togo is honored to work with the digital sector in Togo to accelerate and achieve the profound reforms initiated since the beginning of the year.” , for her part indicated Jeanne Ngname Bougonou, Director of OMCA, at the launch of this initiative.

Five components

Note that Nana Tech currently covers five complementary programs, including: Nana Tech Entrepreneurs (a 6-month incubation program intended for women entrepreneurs which supports them with digital tools), Nana Tech Immersion (an intensive 6-day training focused on business management and the effective use of digital tools), Nana Tech Ecosystem (which consists of round tables throughout the territory, with a view to strengthening the female entrepreneurial ecosystem), Nana Tech Lab (a platform for online training) and Nana Tech Talents (an intensive one-month program focused on developing entrepreneurship and digital skills among young startups).

Ayi Renaud Dossavi for Togo First



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