Israeli Foreign Ministry Calls Yoav Gallant’s Remarks Against France “Inappropriate”

Israeli Foreign Ministry Calls Yoav Gallant’s Remarks Against France “Inappropriate”
Israeli Foreign Ministry Calls Yoav Gallant’s Remarks Against France “Inappropriate”

Major Israeli ministries and senior foreign ministry officials denounced Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s remarks against France.

“We disapprove of Defense Minister Gallant’s attacks against France,” the diplomats said in a statement. “Beyond the existing disagreements between Israel and France, the statements against France are incorrect and inappropriate,” they added. Earlier on Friday, Gallant refused to join a trilateral framework proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron to defuse escalations on Israel’s northern border. “While we are waging a just war, defending our people, France has adopted hostile policies toward Israel,” Gallant said. “In doing so, France ignores the atrocities committed by Hamas against Israeli children, women and men.”

Last month, French authorities banned Israeli defense companies from exhibiting at one of the world’s largest defense fairs. The Foreign Ministry stresses that France played “an active role” in defending Israel against Iran’s drone and missile attack in April.

“Since the start of the war, France has adopted a clear line of denunciation and sanctions against Hamas, and an aggressive line in everything relating to EU sanctions against Iran and its missile and missile project. drones, and was also a partner in the IAEA Board of Governors’ decision to advance a sanctions process against Iran’s nuclear program.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs adds that the French authorities vigorously fight against anti-Semitism and protect Jews. “The Foreign Ministry will continue to fight to protect Israel’s interests on the northern border with all relevant actors,” the diplomats concluded.



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