Bad times for Moroccan influencer Selma Mansouri

Bad times for Moroccan influencer Selma Mansouri
Bad times for Moroccan influencer Selma Mansouri

Selma Mansouri is no longer free to move. Since Saturday June 15, she has been in pre-trial detention for acts of armed robbery, aggravated violence, kidnapping and sequestration and dissemination of the recording of images relating to the commission of a willful attack on the integrity of the person , reports The Parisianspecifying that she was indicted by an investigating judge from Pontoise.

To read: Morocco: an influencer sentenced for attacking the honor of women

The facts which are accused of the influence of 35 years took place last Thursday in Val-d’Oise. A message is sent via Snapchat messaging to two young men aged 19 residing in Sarcelles in which they are asked to go to a house in Montigny-lès-Cormeilles, to throw a Molotov cocktail at its owner’s car. The two friends do not know the identity of this mysterious sponsor who had “a problem with the person at the pavilion”, in this case Selma Mansouri.

Read:A Moroccan influencer victim of racist attack in Paris

They arrive there. The person responsible for sending the mixture claims to have emptied the alcoholic liquid in order to deliberately prevent the fire. In the process, the influencer spotted them. Helped by several young people from the neighborhood, she catches up with them in a parking lot. A surge of violence ensues. The one who calls herself “8th wonder of the world” has put a knife to their throats. Hit and sprayed with tear gas, the two young men were taken back to their home in Selma. This violence continues in the cellar. “There she took out a stick, a billiard stick and she hit us with it,” testifies one of the Sarcellois. In a video published on social networks, we see the mother hitting and humiliating the victims who she ordered to undress, before tying them to a bench and filming them. Thanks to the help of one of the influencer’s accomplices, the two Sarcellois managed to escape. They get by with four days of ITT.

Read:A Moroccan influencer imprisoned in Algeria

Selma will be arrested and then placed in police custody. While in police custody, she confessed. “I filmed them to blackmail them into bringing me the sponsor. By being naked in the video, I was sure that they would do what I asked them to do,” she says. The influencer believes she knows the sponsor of this affair. It would be a man with whom she argued at the end of 2023 and who damaged her relationship with another influencer. “Yes, I lost my temper from being harassed,” she confesses. Her lawyer Tom Michel defends her: “After several attacks at her home, my client finally gave in. She is aware of the seriousness of her behavior and has expressed it. The inaction of public forces cannot justify their actions.” This defender of several influencers points out the ineffectiveness of justice in the protection of “these public figures” who become “targets”. For his part, the sponsor rejects the accusations. “My client formally disputes any link with this story. He doesn’t know any of the protagonists at all. He himself is harassed by Ms. Mansouri against whom he has filed a complaint on several occasions,” indicates his lawyer, Frédéric Zajac.



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