The worrying rise of pornographic deepfakes in schools

The worrying rise of pornographic deepfakes in schools
The worrying rise of pornographic deepfakes in schools

In recent months, a new form of sexual abuse in schools has emerged: the creation and non-consensual distribution of pornographic deepfake images of students. This phenomenon, facilitated by artificial intelligence technology, raises serious concerns about the protection of the dignity and integrity of young people.

The Bacchus Marsh Grammar Affair

One of the most high-profile cases involves the Bacchus Marsh Grammar private school in Australia. Teenage student arrested for allegedly creating and sharing images on social media pornographic deepfakes of 50 female classmates.

Unfortunately, this case is not an isolated case. Similar incidents have been reported in other countries such as Spain and the United States. The developers of AI applications allowing such abuses display a revolting indifference: they simply claim to want “ making people laugh“.

Misogyny and culture of impunity

These abuses highlight the glaring lack of regulation governing the use of AI technologies in the creation of non-consensual pornographic content. The production and distribution of such images nevertheless constitutes a criminal offense comparable to the sexual exploitation of children.

Apart from the legal aspect, this phenomenon is inextricably linked to the persistence of a misogynistic culture and a feeling of impunity, particularly in certain privileged circles. Statistics show that the number of sexual misconduct complaints is four times higher in private schools compared to public establishments.

Call to action

Faced with this alarming situation, strong measures are necessary. It is crucial to legislate to prohibit the creation and distribution of pornographic deepfakes, and legally responsible the platforms that host them. Furthermore, in-depth work must be carried out among young people, particularly boys, to deconstruct misogynistic stereotypes and instill values ​​of respect and consent.

The phenomenon of pornographic deepfakes in schools is only the visible face of a much larger problem: that of the perpetuation of a sectarian culture promoting contempt and the objectification of women. If no firm action is taken, such abuses risk multiplyand not only in Europe and the United States.

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