France: the legislative campaign already launched after the earthquake of dissolution

The French left called on Monday for a “popular front” the day after the shock decision of President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the Assembly and call legislative elections at the end of June in the face of the victory of the far right in the European elections, a political poker move which plunges a pillar country of the European Union into uncertainty.

Both the victory of the far right and the dissolution that followed brought thousands of people into the streets on Monday evening, particularly in Paris where the vast and emblematic Place de la République was packed with people, with many young people saying their refusal to see the extreme right in power.

Three weeks of blitzkrieg campaigning opened before the first round of legislative elections on June 30, then the second on July 7, on the eve of the Paris Olympic Games (from July 26 to August 11), and the political class spent its day in meetings and other secret or highly publicized meetings.

Monday evening, the various components of the left, deeply divided, took a first step towards unity, by announcing that they wanted to agree on unique applications from the first round, and wish build an alternative to Emmanuel Macron and fight the racist project of the far right.

We call for the creation of a new popular front bringing together in a new form all the left-wing humanist, union, associative and citizen forces.wrote the Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the Ecologists and La France insoumise (radical left), in a press release.

To everyone’s surprise, Mr. Macron drew the constitutional weapon of dissolution on Sunday evening after the triumph in the European elections of the National Rally (RN, far right), which collected twice as many votes as the presidential Renaissance party (31, 36% versus 14.60%).

The report from our correspondent in Paris, Tamara Alteresco

Turbulence zone

France is now plunged into a zone of turbulence, unfolding an extraordinarily uncertain scenariounderlined Brice Teinturier, deputy general director of the Ipsos institute.

The head of state will enter the campaign fully on Tuesday, holding a press conference in the afternoon.

Two first surveys give the RN in the lead, with 33/34% of voting intentions, against 22/23% for the united left and 18/19% for the presidential camp.

I trust the peoplethe French head of state insisted on Monday as three weeks of a tense campaign began.

On Monday evening, thousands demonstrated in the streets of several cities in France, and large gatherings are expected, at the call of the left and the unions, this weekend.

The prospect of having a far-right prime minister in three weeks terrifies mesays Alice, a 24-year-old student in Paris.

In Rennes, in the west of France, Marie, a 69-year-old retiree, confides that what happened yesterday was a shock. We don’t want to stay alone, we needed to see what the capacity was to mobilize against thisshe explains.


Interview with French MP Christopher Weissberg

Jordan Bardella

In France, where the far right obtained one of the highest scores in the EU on Sunday, the RN has never been so close to power and its young leader, Jordan Bardella, 28, who led the party list in the European elections, is already applying for the position of prime minister in the event of victory.

The historical leader of RNMarine Le Pen, who for her part is aiming for the presidential election, assured Monday evening that in the event of the party’s victory in the legislative elections, Jordan Bardella was destined to become prime minister.

For months, we have been working with Jordan Bardella as part of an executive couple with the aim of best fulfilling the functions that the French would entrust to us. Me towards the Presidency of the Republic, him towards Matignon, there is no reason to change thatargued Ms. Le Pen, who was in the second round of the last two presidential elections against Mr. Macron.

Mr. Bardella, recognizing that he was hard to win alonehas stretched out your hand to the Republicans (LR, right), claiming to have had discussions with some of their executives.

Surprised by the dissolution, the presidential camp is trying to put itself in battle order. There was another waylamented the outgoing president of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet.

According to his entourage, the president assumes the risk of a new anti-Macron referendumbut hopes that voters will not use the legislative elections as a let off steam.

According to a poll, some 61% of French people approve of Emmanuel Macron’s initiative to dissolve the lower house.



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