An MRE tried for a vast money laundering network

An MRE tried for a vast money laundering network
An MRE tried for a vast money laundering network

The trial of a Moroccan residing in Gibraltar, head of an international network specializing in laundering money from international drug trafficking and its members, also of Moroccan nationality, continues before the Sebta court.

Since October 8, 2024, members of the network have been appearing before the Sebta court. The network is involved in the illicit transfer of money from international drug trafficking via pleasure boats belonging to famous Moroccan personalities, reports Assaba. It emerges from the investigations carried out by the Spanish security services that the MRE which is at the head of the network had the time to enrich itself by creating companies active in different fields and by acquiring real estate and other assets including sports cars, large displacement cars, jewelry, agricultural land or even pleasure boats even though he has no declared source of income. All of these assets are registered in the name of his friends and relatives.

Read: An MRE involved in a vast money laundering case

During a search of his home in Cádiz, the Spanish police came across a sum of 525,000 euros in bank notes, which was allegedly the result of illegal activities. They suspect that the MRE is preparing to launder “dirty money” through investments in several projects. The police also seized other sums of money from intermediaries, also Moroccan nationals acting as part of the same criminal network. Clearly, the network operates regularly between Morocco and European countries.

Read:Mohammed J., former Bruges prison escapee, tried for drug trafficking in Antwerp

Around ten wealthy Moroccan people holding dual nationality are also targeted by the investigations. The leader and members of the network will be tried for drug trafficking, falsification of official documents, money laundering, and fraud.



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